Jaw-Dropping Return: Star Wars Comes Back to Iconic Phantom Menace Filming Spot

Jaw-Dropping Return: Star Wars Comes Back to Iconic Phantom Menace Filming Spot

Get ready for an epic return to the iconic world of Naboo in season 2 of Andor! Brace yourself for thrilling adventures on this prequel planet once again

Set photos from Andor season 2 reveal the return to a significant filming location from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. George Lucas utilized Europe as the backdrop for the prequel trilogy, capturing stunning visuals that created a rich and iconic world. Andor season 1 followed suit, combining location filming and built sets, in contrast to The Mandalorian's use of Volume technology. As production for Andor season 2 continues, these set photos provide insight into the show's future direction.

According to Reddit user Mostvaluedplayer1029, Hever Castle in England is now being used for filming, as confirmed by a conversation with a security guard. This aligns with previous reports suggesting that Naboo would make a comeback in Andor season 2.

Is Naboo Returning In Andor Season 2?

Jaw-Dropping Return: Star Wars Comes Back to Iconic Phantom Menace Filming Spot

Hever Castle's exterior was featured in "The Waterfall Sequence" from The Phantom Menace, which depicted Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Jar Jar Binks escaping their submerged ship just before it plunges down a waterfall. Following their escape, the trio enters one of the buildings on Naboo, with Hever Castle serving as the real-life location. There is speculation that Andor season 2 may involve the return of Naboo, although the specific purpose of the filming and whether Cassian Andor, portrayed by Diego Luna, will visit the planet remains unknown.

The selection of the exact filming location from The Phantom Menace for Andor season 2 is unlikely to be a coincidence. It is probable that this deliberate choice was made to create a sense of familiarity among the audience when recreating Naboo's renowned cityscape. It is worth mentioning that Naboo has played a significant role in the early rebellion within Marvel Comics, featuring the Amidalans, a group dedicated to honoring Padmé by opposing the Empire. This raises the possibility that Naboo will have an important role in Andor, potentially involving senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma visiting the planet.

Source: Mostvaluedplayer1029, Reddit