Ahsoka, the protagonist of her self-titled Disney+ series, takes center stage. However, for fans of the animated Star Wars universe, this can be viewed as a new Mandalorian show starring Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels. This non-conformist character has matured since her Rebel days, and for those seeking rebellious artistry to add to their Star Wars merchandise collection, Hot Toys has revealed the official Sabine Wren sixth-scale figure.
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Similar to other Hot Toys figures, this rendition of Sabine features an accurate portrayal and includes various accessories. Her beskar armor showcases her distinct graffiti designs, including the Starbird motif that evolved into the iconic symbol of the Rebel Alliance. The armor seamlessly fits over a detailed undersuit, and Sabine is armed with a pair of blasters, an LED light-up version of Ezra Bridger's lightsaber, a hologram miniature of her missing comrade, and a themed display stand. And yes, the replica Loth-cat completes the ensemble alongside her.
Remove her Mandalorian helmet for a lifelike head sculpt of actress Natasha Liu Bordizzo. The sculpt includes separate rolling eyeballs for customizable expressions.
Available from July to December 2024, this figure is priced at $271. Hot Toys has a range of upcoming Star Wars figures, including Ahsoka Tano, Moff Gideon in Mandalorian armor, and a new Darth Vader with his Obi-Wan Kenobi series design.