Guardian Games 2024: Exciting Additions Await Guardians with New Skimmer Vehicle

Explore the thrilling Guardian Games 2024 update by Bungie, featuring exciting gameplay updates, fresh rewards, and the introduction of the innovative skimmer vehicle to enhance the Guardian experience.
Bungie has shared exciting new details about Destiny 2's upcoming Guardian Games event. This includes the introduction of new gear, medals to collect, and a new vehicle type known as the skimmer board. The Guardian Games event is designed to bring out the competitive spirit among the game's three classes: Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans. Players will have three weeks to earn medals that can be deposited into the Tower Podium. The class with the most medals will be awarded a special trophy that will be displayed for the next year.
Following the pattern of Bungie's other seasonal events, each class has emerged victorious in the Guardian Games since its debut in 2020. Last year, it was the Titans who clinched the top spot. Many players dedicated their win to actor Lance Reddick, who sadly passed away in 2023. Reddick, known for his roles in TV and movies, was especially beloved by video game fans for voicing Commander Zavala since the game's inception in 2014. The next installment of Guardian Games is set to launch on March 5, with Bungie introducing several exciting changes for this year's event.
Destiny 2's Guardian Games Event for 2024 is back, and players are excited about the new addition of a exotic vehicle. The Sparrow, a free Guardian Games skimmer known as the Allstar Vector, can be earned by completing the onboarding mission. This new vehicle allows players to perform tricks, grind rails, and hoverboard around the game world. However, players must finish the Drop In quest before the event ends to keep the Sparrow permanently.
destiny 2 guardian games memento
What's New in Guardian Games 2024?
Bungie has introduced some exciting changes to Guardian Games 2024, as hinted in the 2024 Roadmap Update. The event, now called Guardian Games All-Stars, still involves equipping a class item, completing contender challenge cards, and banking medals to secure victories for your class. However, a new Diamond tier has been added this year. These Diamond tier rewards are seen as game-changing, as they have the potential to shift the balance in favor of a class. Players can only earn three Diamond tier rewards per week, with two obtained from end-game PvP and PvE activities, and the third available as a Twitch Drop reward for watching a Destiny 2 stream for two hours.
After the scoring controversies of previous Guardian Games, changes have been made to the scoring system to address the imbalance of Hunter players. This year, instead of class performance being based on total Medallion score, it will now be based on the average Medallion score of players who have deposited a Medallion that day, separated by class. Player participation is also being rewarded through personal and group achievements, with bonus rewards given for achievements like "Best In Tower" or being part of the winning class for the day, as well as performances in activities such as Nightfall, Gambit, and Supremacy.
This year's event introduces new rewards for players to earn, including a new memento inspired by past events like Festival of the Lost and The Dawning. The red, gold, and blue colored memento can be obtained through various ways, such as by banking Gold and Platinum Medallions, with a guaranteed drop by banking new Diamond Medallions. Any extra mementos can be held by Eva until the end of the event, so Guardians are advised to collect them before she leaves on March 26th.
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming Destiny 2 Guardian Games event promises exciting additions and changes that cater to the competitive spirit of the game's players. The introduction of the Diamond tier rewards and the revamped scoring system address feedback from previous events, ensuring a more balanced and engaging experience. The new skimmer board vehicle adds a thrilling dimension to gameplay, allowing players to perform tricks and traverse the world in a unique way.
While the article provides detailed information about the event, it could benefit from including more insights into the significance of the changes and the potential impact they will have on the overall Guardian Games experience. Additionally, showcasing player reactions or feedback would add a personal touch to the article, making it more relatable and engaging for readers.