GTA 6 Tweet Shatters Records with 19 Million Likes and Counting

GTA 6 Tweet Shatters Records with 19 Million Likes and Counting

Grand Theft Auto 6 is making waves even before its release, smashing records with an astounding 19 million likes on Twitter The anticipation for this game is truly unprecedented

The official announcement of Grand Theft Auto VI will be made on December 5, and it is anticipated to shatter records. Rockstar's post on social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, has already set a record as the most-liked gaming-related post on the site. The post currently boasts 1.9 million likes and 495,000 retweets, with over 166 million views. According to X's data, VGC also reported that Rockstar holds the record for the most-liked gaming tweet with its November announcement of the upcoming release of the game's first trailer in early December.

Chadwick Boseman's family's announcement of the actor's passing in August 2020 received over 6.8 million likes, making it the most-liked tweet overall.

The first trailer for GTA VI or the next entry in the series will be revealed on Tuesday, December 5 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.

Rockstar announced in February 2022 that development of the next game was "well underway." However, in September of the same year, a large amount of video, images, and information about the game was leaked online in one of the most significant breaches in gaming history. The individual thought to be responsible for the breach was said to be a teenager staying in a hotel room while out on bail, and was reportedly using an Amazon Fire TV stick.

There are rumors that GTA VI will be set in Vice City, the game's version of Miami, and may include two playable characters with a focus on verticality. The game will have big expectations to meet, as GTA V has sold over 190 million copies and remains one of the best-selling games of all time.

Another big question is what happens to GTA Online when GTA VI comes out. Keep checking back with Our Website for the latest as we learn more.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am incredibly excited about the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto 6. The GTA series has been a staple of my gaming life, and I have been eagerly anticipating the next installment for years. The fact that the announcement tweet has already shattered records is a testament to the massive amount of hype surrounding this game. I can't wait to see what Rockstar has in store for us this time around.

I am particularly interested in the rumors that GTA VI will be set in Vice City and will include two playable characters. Vice City is one of my favorite cities in the GTA universe, and I think it would be amazing to see it reimagined with the latest technology. Two playable characters would also add a lot of variety to the gameplay, and I think it would be really fun to switch between them during missions.