Fierce Darth Talon Cosplay Proves Sequel Trilogy Mistakes

Fierce Darth Talon Cosplay Proves Sequel Trilogy Mistakes

Unleash your dark side with this breathtaking Darth Talon cosplay, showcasing the potential of the Star Wars sequel trilogy Discover the untold story of George Lucas' plans for this iconic character

A stunning Star Wars cosplay has brought the character of Darth Talon to life, offering a glimpse into what the sequel trilogy could have been. In the Star Wars: Legacy story, Talon was a powerful combatant and deadly assassin, raised to serve Darth Krayt, leader of the One Sith. While her character was reworked to fit into an early treatment for the sequel trilogy, Gracie The Cosplay Lass has captured the true essence of Talon with her breathtaking cosplay. Complete with full body makeup, twin head-tail, and a pair of Sith lightsabers, her cosplay has been praised for its accuracy and resemblance to the character from the Star Wars universe.

Gracie's cosplay of Talon is a remarkable work of art. She meticulously incorporated every detail, and even added a photo of herself in normal attire for comparison. The end result was so realistic that many people in the comments section were unsure if it was actually her underneath the makeup.

What Were George Lucas' Plans For Darth Talon?

George Lucas may not have been a fan of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, but he did have plans in mind for his own canon. His vision for the sequel trilogy was vastly different from what Disney ended up producing. Lucas' version would have focused heavily on Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order and Leia Organa's efforts to establish a New Republic. However, the greatest challenge in his storyline would have been the resurgence of Darth Maul, who would have become the galaxy's new crime lord, with Darth Talon serving as his apprentice. Lucas envisioned Talon as the Darth Vader of the sequel trilogy, with much of the plot revolving around her.

Fierce Darth Talon Cosplay Proves Sequel Trilogy Mistakes

If Talon had appeared in live-action, Gracie's cosplay provides a glimpse of what she may have looked like. Although Lucas' plans for a video game featuring a cloned Maul and Talon joining forces never came to fruition, it's clear that there are still enthusiastic fans who adore the franchise's captivating characters.