Exciting Updates in the Pipeline: A Sneak Peek into World of Warcraft's Revolutionary Support Classes and Overhauled Rogues

Exciting Updates in the Pipeline: A Sneak Peek into World of Warcraft's Revolutionary Support Classes and Overhauled Rogues

Discover exciting updates coming to World of Warcraft in the Dragonflight patch! Join Ion Hazzikostas as he unveils new support classes and a thrilling rework of rogues, revolutionizing gameplay with enhanced teamwork and strategic possibilities Don't miss out on the implications of the highly anticipated support role!

In a recent interview discussing Patch 10.1.5, Ion Hazzikostas hinted at the possibility of World of Warcraft introducing classes similar to Augmentation Evoker in the future. He also addressed the highly anticipated Rogue rework. Blizzard has given indications that Rogues in World of Warcraft will receive attention in Dragonflight, as the class is often criticized for having too many abilities, especially in specializations like Outlaw which require numerous keybinds. While some expected these changes to be implemented for Fractures in Time, Hazzikostas clarified that more patience is required.

In contrast, Subtlety Rogues are currently in a favorable state and players are hoping this specialization remains unchanged. Although Hazzikostas didn't disclose the details of these changes, he strongly suggested that the developers will not rush the rework and will allocate the necessary time for the project. Another noteworthy aspect of the interview, and perhaps the most exciting, was the discussion surrounding the future of Support specializations following the positive response to Augmentation Evokers in World of Warcraft thus far.

The exclusive interview conducted by Wowhead revealed that Blizzard is highly receptive to the notion of introducing more Support specializations. This could be in the form of a completely new class or as an extension to existing classes such as Demon Hunters, Shamans, Mages, and others. While players have had ideas for new specializations in World of Warcraft for a long time, the introduction of a Support role has opened up new possibilities. Hazzikostas discussed how the Augmentation Evoker specialization differs from a traditional damage dealer like a Havoc Demon Hunter, with its contribution to the group being measured in a distinct manner.

Exciting Updates in the Pipeline: A Sneak Peek into World of Warcraft's Revolutionary Support Classes and Overhauled Rogues

Hazzikostas mentioned that if Augmentation is successful on live servers, World of Warcraft may incorporate similar specializations in the future. Unlike the past where players had to choose a specific gameplay style, the developers do not want to disrupt the current identities of classes to accommodate Support roles. In terms of Augmentation Evokers, it is crucial to consider their role in Mythic raiding as Ion Hazzikostas emphasized the need for at least one class of that kind. Having multiple players of the same class is not enjoyable, and Blizzard aims to prevent situations where Hunters or Shamans have to compete for the last spot in a raid group.

Hazzikostas also addressed the status of healers in World of Warcraft after the changes implemented for Dragonflight Season 2. While the developers are satisfied with the difficulty level, they will continue to monitor player feedback since some fans believe that healing in Mythic Keystones has become too stressful, leading to player quitting. Finally, players can anticipate a decrease in the number of tier tokens obtainable in World of Warcraft raids to allow for more efficient farming of rare trinkets.

World of Warcraft is available now for PC.

Source: Wowhead

World of Warcraft

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment - Genre: MMORPG

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