Exciting Update for Disappointed Graphics Enthusiasts

Exciting Update for Disappointed Graphics Enthusiasts

Obsidian Entertainment's developer shares exciting updates on Avowed's development, offering reassurance to fans disappointed by graphics Anticipate a visually stunning experience at launch!

Obsidian Entertainment, the renowned game development team behind titles like Knights of the Old Republic II, Fallout: New Vegas, and the Pillars of Eternity series, is currently working on Avowed, a highly anticipated project. While fans have already been impressed by Avowed's showcase at the Summer Game Fest, one of the developers has shed some light on the game's development process, addressing any concerns players may have about certain aspects of the game.

Avowed is set in the same world as Pillars of Eternity and takes players on a thrilling adventure to the mysterious island known as the Living Lands. This mystical location is teeming with peculiar flora and fauna and holds unknown significance to the Aedyran Empire. Just like in Pillars of Eternity, players will have the opportunity to create their own character, although they will be limited to the two primary races of Aedyr: Human and Elf. However, unlike its predecessor, Avowed will abandon the top-down perspective and instead immerse players in a first-person or third-person view, enhancing the combat experience and overall immersion.

Avowed offers players the freedom to build their characters in any way they desire, similar to The Elder Scrolls games. Whether they prefer wielding a blunderbuss and sword, casting spells, or smashing enemies with a large hammer, players have plenty of options when it comes to choosing their playstyle. However, some video game enthusiasts have expressed disappointment with Avowed's graphical presentation and the perceived scope of the game. In response to these concerns, an Obsidian developer named Briar Diem assured fans on the RPG Codex forums that Avowed is still in the pre-release stage and that graphics will likely be improved as development progresses.

Briar Diem also mentioned that while the designs are mostly finalized, players can expect the final product to feature enhanced lighting and art. Additionally, Avowed is planned to have the longest Alpha and Beta stage of any Obsidian title, which is good news for fans worried about potential bugs. The gameplay in Avowed revolves around exciting elemental interactions, with a focus on spells and magic. It takes the accessible combat mechanics of Skyrim and refines them to create a unique experience.

Avowed is designed in a similar structure to Knights of the Old Republic II, distinguishing itself from games like Skyrim or Oblivion. Instead of a completely open world sandbox, it presents a complex network of interconnected zones. Obsidian Entertainment emphasizes their focus on creating a vast and expansive experience rather than simply prioritizing the size of the world. This approach holds promise for Avowed to elevate the Pillars of Eternity franchise to new heights of popularity. Given Obsidian's successful track record, players have high hopes for the game's release in 2024, available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: The Gamer