DIY Pokemon: How to Build a Magneton with Security Cameras & Magnets

DIY Pokemon: How to Build a Magneton with Security Cameras & Magnets

Pokemon enthusiast creates a unique Magneton using security cameras and magnets, showcasing their innovative skills However, some individuals feel uneasy about the futuristic creation made with iron balls and technology

A Pokemon enthusiast has ingeniously crafted a Magneton using security cameras and magnets, garnering widespread admiration for its eerie look. The Pokemon fandom has recently witnessed a surge in creativity, with fans concocting unique models that fuse the Pokemon universe with other franchises. For instance, an artist rendered a fascinating illustration of Vaporeon in the style of Monster Hunter, earning plaudits from numerous fans. Magneton was originally a pure Electric-type Pokemon in the first generation of the Pokemon games, but the addition of Steel in the second generation bolstered its strength. With a potent magnetic force that can incapacitate mechanical devices and generate peculiar radio signals that raise the temperature, Magneton is also dubbed as the Magnet Pokemon, and its fourth generation debut saw the advent of a third evolution.

A Pokemon enthusiast named CurvedPetal has reimagined Magneton using security cameras, iron balls, and magnets. The community has taken notice of their work after it was posted on Reddit, with many finding the new version of Magneton even more unsettling than the original. CurvedPetal has expressed their desire to create a background that would make Magneton appear like a security guard patrolling a city. Commenters have praised the artist for their unique take on the Pokemon, as it gives off a creepy vibe reminiscent of horror movie monsters without going for a full-on alien look.

A talented Pokemon fan known as TheRevivalProd has gained attention for their impressive animated clip showcasing Magnemite's evolution into Magneton. The clip features three living magnetic robots merging into a single individual, providing a unique explanation for the fan-favorite Pokemon's evolution. In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Magneton is classified as a Paradox-type and is considered essential for Pokedex completionists despite being less powerful than Terastal versions. In later games, players can evolve Magneton into the powerful Electric/Steel type Magnezone. Magneton has also been featured on 31 different cards in the Pokemon TCG, in addition to its appearances in the Pokemon anime series.