Players of Japanese Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have discovered an Easter egg that appears to reference the chronology of Pokemon Sword and Shield. Some believe it may also be a direct nod to Sonia, a key character in the earlier Nintendo Switch games. Game Freak is known for preferring an ambiguous timeline in the Pokemon franchise, so this Easter egg's direct implications are rare. In Pokemon Sword and Shield, players visit Stow-on-Side, a mountain town built around an ancient mural depicting colorful flower paintings. During an encounter with the player's rival, Bede, the mural collapses, revealing a statue featuring two wolves, one with a sword and one with a shield, and two kings behind them. Sonia believes this statue holds a secret history of the Galar region that someone is trying to keep hidden.
Players of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have discovered an Easter egg that seems to connect the game to Pokemon Sword and Shield. The discovery is made through a book found in the Naranja Academy, which provides a first-hand account of the mural breaking and the discovery of the statues behind it. Interestingly, the book mentions events and locations that are clearly references to Pokemon Sword and Shield, such as the town of Stow-on-Side, an attack from the Copperajah, the Pokemon statues wielding a sword and shield, and the mystery of the Galar region's legendary hero. While the book's author is not explicitly stated, some fans speculate that it could have been written by Sonia, the Galar region's Pokemon Professor, who witnessed the mural crumbling alongside the player. This assumption is reasonable, given Sonia's role in the games and her likely interest in chronicling the events.
The Easter egg found in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet offers a potential confirmation of the chronological order in which the games take place following Pokemon Sword and Shield. While fans may have already assumed this to be the case, the lack of official confirmation from Game Freak adds significance to this finding. This rare occurrence of referencing past events within the franchise adds to the excitement and intrigue surrounding this discovery, leaving fans eager to uncover any other hidden gems within the games. Additionally, the Easter egg appears to reference a prominent character from Pokemon Sword and Shield, further solidifying the connection between the games.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now on Switch.
Source: Twitter (via Dexerto)