Dead by Daylight Unleashes Xenomorph Madness, Outshining Stranger Things’ Demogorgon

Dead by Daylight Unleashes Xenomorph Madness, Outshining Stranger Things’ Demogorgon

Dead by Daylight's new Alien chapter, featuring the Xenomorph, superbly fills the void left by the removal of Stranger Things' Demogorgon A thrilling reinterpretation that satisfies the craving for intense horror gameplay


Dead by Daylight's new Alien content is positively received by the community but reflects on content that had to be removed.

The Xenomorph in Dead by Daylight could be seen as the natural evolution of Stranger Things' Demogorgon, with its impressive capability to navigate tunnels.

Eager players have likely exhausted the Xenomorph's initial build in Dead by Daylight's PTB. The roles of the Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley as a killer and survivor are well-known, and the Nostromo wreckage map has been played extensively, allowing fans to form opinions about its addition to the current meta. The positive reception of Dead by Daylight's new Alien content by the community is fantastic, but it also highlights content that Behaviour had to remove from the game.

Some players have compared Dead by Daylight's Ripley survivor, who does not resemble Sigourney Weaver, to the character model used for Stranger Things' Nancy Wheeler. It wouldn't be surprising to learn that Nancy was repurposed for Ripley, but there is also a significant reinterpretation in the Xenomorph's character model and one of its abilities. In particular, the Xenomorph in Dead by Daylight may be seen as the spiritual successor to the Demogorgon from Stranger Things.

Dead by Daylight’s Stranger Things Content is a Glaring Omission Now

Dead by Daylight Unleashes Xenomorph Madness, Outshining Stranger Things’ Demogorgon

Dead by Daylight's crossover chapter featuring Stranger Things was widely praised, with the exception of the Hawkins Laboratory map. Despite its faithful recreation from the show, players found the interior to be too cramped. The addition of Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler as survivor characters was well-received, although their perks were considered average. However, fans were pleased with the character skins, particularly when a Jonathan Byers skin became available for Steve. The discontinuation of the Stranger Things license is a disappointment, as there was great potential for additional content. Fans had hoped for the inclusion of other survivors such as Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, or any other character from the show. Furthermore, there was anticipation for Vecna to be added as a second killer. The removal of the Demogorgon, while not the strongest licensed killer, has left a significant void in Dead by Daylight that is still felt today.

Dead by Daylight’s Xenomorph is a Great Reinterpretation of the Demogorgon

Dead by Daylight Unleashes Xenomorph Madness, Outshining Stranger Things’ Demogorgon

The Xenomorph and the Demogorgon cannot be directly compared or considered compatible, but the Xenomorph closely resembles a successor to the Demogorgon in the recent chapters of Dead by Daylight. The Xenomorph's Memento Mori ability aligns with fans' expectations, its primary power is a lengthy tail spear mechanic similar to Nemesis' tentacle whip, and the presence of flame turrets on the map contributes to its balanced gameplay.

However, what truly makes it similar to the Demogorgon is its ability to travel underground and emerge at predetermined locations on the map. While the Demogorgon had to create its own tunnel portals, the Xenomorph already has a network of tunnels at its disposal. Additionally, the Xenomorph has the freedom to manually navigate these tunnels and choose its emergence point, providing it with greater flexibility for navigation. Furthermore, being underground allows the Xenomorph's power meter to rapidly replenish.

If players don't feel a strong need for the Demogorgon's lunge power, they might find the Xenomorph to be a more satisfying alternative based on the few PTB matches they've played. Since the Demogorgon is unlikely to make a comeback in Dead by Daylight anytime soon, the Xenomorph could be the best choice to please its fans.

Dead by Daylight can be played on various platforms including Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.