Dead by Daylight Survey May Hint at Future New Game Modes
The Dead by Daylight team has recently linked an interesting survey to their official social media page, which may act as a preview for some fresh gameplay modes in the future. The survey describes multiple sets of new gameplay experiences that seem to suggest the release of various exciting new game modes in the future, and survey takers are asked to rate these innovative game modes by how much they would enjoy playing them.
Introduction to Dead by Daylight and the Survey
At the time of writing, the Dead by Daylight survey posted on Twitter is still available for anyone to complete. One fascinating thing about the survey is that its later pages describe multiple sets of new gameplay experiences that seem to suggest the release of various exciting new game modes in the future. Survey takers are asked to rate a number of innovative game modes by how much they would enjoy playing them. Some of those choices involve elements like a swapped perspective, where the Killer plays in 3rd person while the Survivors play in 1st person.
Twitter article posted by Dead by Daylight
Potential New Game Modes for Dead by Daylight
Furthermore, the introduction of these potential new game modes reflects the developers' responsiveness to player feedback and their dedication to addressing gameplay balance issues. The survey also highlighted concerns about matchmaking experiences and the effectiveness of Chucky’s Killer perks found in the latest Dead by Daylight chapter, indicating that the developers are actively seeking to improve the overall gameplay experience and address community concerns.
Anticipation for New Game Modes
It looks like Dead by Daylight fans might have to be patient for a while longer and stay tuned as several interesting new game modes could be added to the horror multiplayer title in the future. With the survey offering a glimpse into the possible future of Dead by Daylight, players can look forward to an evolving gameplay experience that continues to surprise and captivate the community.