Clean the Sludge-Covered Statue with a Twist in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link must clean the Sludge-Covered Statue using a fruity alternative As he travels across Hyrule, he discovers that each region is dealing with a unique issue In Zora's Domain, the mysterious sludge is causing chaos and it's up to Link to save the day
As Link embarks on the main quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, he is tasked with journeying across Hyrule to four major regions: Death Mountain, the Gerudo Desert, the Hebra Mountains, and Zora's Domain. Each region presents its own unique challenges, but upon arriving at Zora's Domain, Link is faced with a particularly troubling issue: the entire area is covered in a mysterious sludge.
This strange substance seems to rain down from the sky, coinciding with the arrival of the Sky Islands, and poses a significant problem for the water-dependent Zora people. However, before players can set out to uncover the source of the sludge, they must first clean the Sludge-Covered Statue located in the center of the plaza.
How To Clean the Sludge-Covered Statue in Zora's Domain
After arriving in Zora's Domain, players should seek out Yona, a green Zora who can be found conversing with Chroma and Kira near the statue in the plaza. The statue, which recognizes the heroism of Sidon and Link, is unfortunately covered in sludge. Fortunately, Zora have a unique solution for cleaning sludge: Splash Fruits. However, upon Link's arrival, the Zora are fresh out of stock.
While making their way into Zora's Domain, players will notice patches of sludge scattered throughout the area. Luckily, Splash Fruit can be easily found in the nearby hills. To quickly dissipate the sludge, attach a Splash Fruit to an arrow or throw one (by holding down R and selecting the item in the quick menu) directly at the affected area.
To clean the Sludge-Covered Statue in the Lanayru region, simply use a Splash Fruit by either throwing or shooting it at the statue. This will cause the sludge to disappear, allowing you to complete the quest by speaking to Yona once again.
Rewards for Clearing Sludge from the Statue
After taking care of the sludge, head back to Yona, the green Zora, to finish the quest. She discloses that she is to marry Prince Sidon and asks Link to meet her at the infirmary. Although completing the Sludge-Covered Statue quest does not reward players with any currency or item, it triggers a sequence of events that culminate in Link reuniting with Prince Sidon at the top of a nearby waterfall and acquiring the Zora Armor.
As soon as the quest is completed, make your way to the infirmary, located beneath the throne room in Zora's Domain, and speak to Yona again. She has been working on the Zora Armor that enabled players to climb waterfalls in Breath of the Wild. In Tears of the Kingdom, it serves the same purpose, but to complete it, Yona requires an Ancient Arowana fish.