Claim Victory with the Ultimate Bloody Glory Grand Sword in Lords of the Fallen
Unleash destruction upon Axiom's abominations with the mighty Bloody Glory, an exceptional Grand Sword in Lords of the Fallen Locate the formidable weapon for ultimate dominion
The Bloody Glory is a top-tier Grand Sword ideal for hybrid Strength and Radiance builds in Lords of the Fallen. With its devastating Physical and Holy damage, it leaves enemies crushed and also inflicts Bleeding, making them even more susceptible to its bone-breaking strikes.
Although typically found in a high-level area that players usually explore later in the game, there is a way to obtain this sword early. Follow these steps to acquire it.
Lords of the Fallen Bloody Glory Location
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Bloody Glory can be found near an isolated sarcophagus in the deep tunnel network of Pilgrim's Perch. To access it, players must purchase the Pilgrim's Perch Key from Captain Stomund and use it to unlock the door in the Bellroom, located directly in front of the Vestige of Blind Agatha. The key can be obtained for 9,500 Vigor.
Beyond the locked door, the tunnel network is inhabited by Hallowed Sentinels, pilgrims, and penitents, who are significantly higher in level compared to other enemies in Pilgrim's Perch. It is advised for low-level players to avoid engaging in combat with them and instead swiftly pass through the area, preferably in the Umbral realm. The video provided showcases the complete route to Bloody Glory, starting from the Vestige of Blind Agatha, and also highlights the potential enemies encountered along the way.
The Path of Devotion, reached through the cave exit, offers a convenient shortcut back to Skyrest Bridge. Additionally, players can find Thehk-Ihir, a merchant, to the left of the cave, next to the Vestige of Dieter.
The Bloody Glory sword is a formidable weapon, featuring a large, twisted blade adorned with barbed wire. Though its attacks are slow, its charged heavy attacks can easily stagger heavy foes. Additionally, each swing carries a high chance of inflicting Bleed on smaller targets, even with just a light attack.
However, wielding this weapon comes with a cost. The Bloody Glory demands a minimum of 20 strength and a staggering 32 radiance, restricting its use to pure paladin builds. Even for those dedicated to this build, significant investment in both Strength and Radiance stats is necessary.
Capitalizing on this weapon's Holy damage output is highly advantageous because its base C-rank scaling with Radiance can be enhanced to A+ at +9 upgrade level. The Holy damage of Bloody Glory can be further augmented by utilizing the Devoth and Orimon weapon runes, which are even more potent when combined with the Empyrean Pendant.
Despite facing Holy-resistant enemies, this weapon remains effective due to its substantial physical damage. Its effectiveness amplifies significantly when targets begin to bleed.
Lords of the Fallen is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.