Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Discover why Baylan Skoll is the ultimate Star Wars villain From Ray Stevenson's phenomenal portrayal to his unique code of honor, ruthless charisma, and masterful manipulation, this article delves into his captivating character and unmatched lightsaber combat Prepare to be enthralled by the perfect foil to the hero

This article contains SPOILERS for Ahsoka episodes 1 - 4.


Baylan Skoll is a standout three-dimensional antagonist in modern Star Wars, possessing a reserved yet assertive demeanor that makes him one of the best characters in the franchise. What sets Baylan apart from other Sith villains is his distinct qualities and adherence to a code of honor, resulting in a more realistic and captivating portrayal as an antagonist.

Baylan Skoll, featured in the Ahsoka series, stands out as an exceptional villain with his calm charisma, memorable dialogue, and impressive lightsaber combat. Within the Star Wars franchise, there are numerous noteworthy antagonists, and Baylan Skoll encompasses all the qualities that define a perfect villain. The late Ray Stevenson delivers an outstanding performance, paired with the brilliant writing of Dave Filoni and his team, solidifying Baylan as one of the most outstanding characters in modern Star Wars. As Ahsoka Tano's most formidable adversary to date, the resolution of their rivalry in the remaining Ahsoka episodes promises to be intriguing.

Baylan exemplifies the ideal villain in storytelling, possessing depth, propelling the narrative, and captivating every moment he appears. It is remarkable that within a franchise replete with memorable villains, new characters like Baylan can emerge and leave a lasting impact. As an onscreen presence, Baylan showcases fifteen exceptional traits that make him an extraordinary Star Wars antagonist.

15 Ray Stevenson Is Phenomenal As Baylan Skoll

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Baylan will forever be cherished as one of Stevenson's finest performances, marking a remarkable culmination of his career. With a poised yet commanding demeanor, Stevenson effortlessly commands every scene, unafraid to unleash his furious intensity when the moment demands. His portrayal elevates Baylan to new heights, solidifying his position as the unrivaled standout in the extraordinary cast and characters of the Ahsoka show.

14 Baylan Skoll Isn't Just Another Sith Villain

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

In Star Wars, Ahsoka sets Baylan apart from the regular Sith antagonists by incorporating distinctive characteristics into his persona. Baylan possesses the potency akin to Darth Vader and the manipulative cunning reminiscent of Maul; however, he exhibits a propensity to minimize physical altercations whenever feasible. While reluctant to kill a fellow Jedi, Baylan remains resolute in accomplishing his objectives.

13 Baylan Skoll Has His Own Code Of Honor

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

12 Baylan Skoll Has Something To Teach The Hero

Baylan stands apart from typical Sith villains with his unwavering sense of honor. He remains true to his promises, whether it involves liberating Lady Morgan from her imprisonment or sparing Sabine Wren's life in exchange for the star map. While numerous Star Wars antagonists resort to betrayal to achieve their desires, Baylan's portrayal as a villain gains authenticity as the narrative unveils his self-imposed constraints.

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

In stories, characters undergo transformation over time, enabling the protagonist to gain insights from their adversaries. By leveraging Ahsoka Tano's imperfections in their duel, Baylan disrupts her equilibrium but also uncovers her potential for development. As the narrative unfolds, Ahsoka will address her vulnerabilities, enabling her to triumph over Baylan and employ his own tactics against him.

11 Baylan Skoll's Calm Charisma Makes His Ruthlessness More Shocking

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

10 Baylan Skoll Is Always In Control Of A Situation

Baylan possesses a strikingly dynamic personality, effortlessly transitioning from a serene charm to a relentless fury. Villains who typically remain impassive and composed can be exceptionally menacing as it implies the dormant beast they yearn to unleash. This holds particularly true in Baylan's confrontation with Ahsoka, as he ultimately relinquishes all restraint and channels his wrath into each and every attack.

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

In any given circumstance, Baylan is meticulous in ensuring that he engages in combat on his own conditions. Although he obeys Lady Morgan's directives, he perceives them solely as a means to achieve his own goals, and his staff remains devoted exclusively to him. Additionally, Baylan possesses remarkable intellect and approaches problems with objectivity, providing him with an upper hand against adversaries and allowing him to delve into their psyche during confrontations.

9 Baylan Skoll's Dialogue Stands Out As Some Of The Best In Ahsoka

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Baylan, in Ahsoka, stands out with his memorable dialogue, showcasing some of the best lines in the series. With his quick wit, he always delivers the perfect comeback to those who dare to challenge him, resulting in entertaining banter among the characters. One of Baylan's most memorable lines in Ahsoka is, "We do not belong to the Jedi Order."

(Episode 1 "Part One: Master and Apprentice")

"Faith? I lost that a long time ago."

(Episode 4 "Part Four: Fallen Jedi")

"It is an unfortunate evil, but speaks to a greater truth. One must destroy in order to create."

(Episode 4 "Part Four: Fallen Jedi")

"It didn't need to come to this. But you know no other way."

(Episode 4 "Part Four: Fallen Jedi")

8 The Dynamic Between Baylan Skoll & Shin Hati Is Amazing

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Ahsoka had an unexpected delight when she discovered the remarkable bond between Baylan, a dark Jedi, and his Padawan Shin Hati. Shin Hati proved to be a challenging test for Baylan's discipline, as her untamed nature was barely controlled. However, she obediently followed his every command, and together they formed an unbeatable force in battle.

7 Baylan Skoll Always Thinks Several Moves Ahead

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Baylan is known for his exceptional ability to outsmart his adversaries. With his deep connection to the Force, he possesses an uncanny foresight into Ahsoka's moves, allowing him to anticipate her actions. Commanding his resources with great efficiency, Baylan ensures that events unfold according to his desires. While he is not devoid of bravery and will engage in combat when necessary, he always seeks the most streamlined approach whenever feasible.

6 Baylan Skoll's Motivations Are Always Clear

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Baylan's ultimate objective remains shrouded in secrecy, however, there is never any uncertainty about his driving force. Beginning his journey as a hired soldier driven by financial gain, he soon realizes the potential for acquiring greater power, eventually unveiling his grand design. Stevenson's portrayal of this enigmatic character is so compelling that a multitude of characteristics is effectively communicated without the need for verbal expression.

5 Baylan Skoll Believes His Actions Will Secure A Better Future

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

4 Baylan Skoll's Servants Are Highly Competent (But Not More Skilled Than Him)

George Lucas recognized that villains often perceive themselves as heroes, and this notion is beautifully portrayed in Baylan's interaction with Ahsoka. He comprehends that Grand Admiral Thrawn's actions will instigate another conflict, yet he firmly believes that this will ultimately pave the way for a brighter future. As a result, Baylan is a much more captivating character than conventional antagonists who merely crave power for their own gain.

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Unlike many villains who rely on their incompetent underlings to appear formidable, Baylan stands out as an exception. His trusted allies, Shin and Marrok the Inquisitor, consistently display exceptional skills and successfully accomplish their missions, which reflects positively on Baylan as their master. However, despite their abilities, Baylan's lightsaber duel with Ahsoka remains the pinnacle of his impressive prowess.

3 Baylan Skoll Is A Perfect Foil To The Hero

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

A good antagonist always stands as a stark contrast or reflection of the protagonist, and Baylan serves as the ideal counterpart to Ahsoka. While they both share certain traits, such as Baylan having a Jedi background and connections to Anakin Skywalker, these similarities only serve to highlight their differences. Baylan may have noble ambitions, but he is willing to go to greater extremes to achieve his desires, even if it means causing harm to others. In contrast, Ahsoka firmly stands by her principles and refuses to inflict harm upon the innocent. Furthermore, the way Baylan and Shin operate as a traditional mentor and apprentice duo is juxtaposed with the struggles Ahsoka and Sabine face due to their non-traditional Jedi lineage. The underlying contrast between Baylan and Ahsoka is sure to intensify all of their future interactions.

2 Baylan Skoll Is A Master Of Manipulation

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Despite not being a Sith Lord, Baylan exhibits impressive mastery in the art of manipulation. He skillfully blends truths and falsehoods, presenting his words in a seemingly logical manner, all the while targeting Sabine's emotions in an effort to coerce her assistance. While Baylan possessed the capability to eliminate Sabine prior to her destruction of the map, he recognized her potential value and accordingly adjusted his approach. This infusion of versatility into Baylan's tactics serves to elevate his status as an intriguing antagonist.

1 Baylan Skoll's Lightsaber Combat Is Unlike Anything Seen Before In Star Wars

Breathtaking Depths: Unveiling the Unparalleled Evil of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll in the Star Wars Universe

Baylan possesses exceptional skills in verbal communication, however, it is during lightsaber duels in Star Wars that the villains truly reveal themselves through their actions. What makes Baylan's lightsaber combat truly captivating is his ability to incorporate unexpected maneuvers into his fighting style. Whether it's infusing power through a sudden spin or propelling Ahsoka with one hand, Baylan's combat style is a dynamic blend of strength and agility. His ability to swiftly evade incoming strikes or patiently wait for the perfect moment to strike showcases his versatility. Baylan Skoll's unique lightsaber combat style sets him apart from the norm in the Star Wars universe and solidifies his status as a formidable adversary in Ahsoka. Catch new episodes of Ahsoka on Disney+ every Tuesday at 6pm PT / 9pm ET.