Bowen Jane, a Contestant on Big Brother 25, Confidently Collaborated with Matt and Jag

Bowen Jane, a Contestant on Big Brother 25, Confidently Collaborated with Matt and Jag

Big Brother 25's Bowie Jane reveals her awareness of the dynamic between her allies Matt and Jag, acknowledging their stronger loyalty towards each other rather than towards her

Despite the potential risks, Bowie Jane from Big Brother 25 has no regrets about teaming up with the dynamic duo of Matt Klotz and Jag Bains. Placing third in the live season finale on November 9, Bowie, 46, revealed, "I was well aware of what I was getting myself into. Having a strong alliance of three, with myself winning Head of Household competitions, allowed us to maintain control of the game through rotation. Although this made us targets, it was fine as long as we kept winning. Additionally, their reliability was important to me as I wanted trustworthy individuals in the house."

Bowie remained inactive for most of the season until she emerged victorious in week 10. Subsequently, she formed a strong alliance called the Mafia with Matt, 27, and Jag, 25, who secured second and first place respectively. Although Matt and Jag had been collaborating since the beginning, Bowie was aware that they might prioritize each other over her.

“I was well aware of this. Many people advised me to eliminate them, as they would always save one another. I acknowledged this, but I believed there was a slight possibility of winning one of the final competitions or Jag taking me to the final two,” she shared with Us. “Yet, I always had doubts that he wouldn't choose me. So, I knew precisely what I was getting myself into. Working with Matt and Jag, I believe, propelled me far in the game, and I came close to the end. Therefore, I'm content with my decision.”

Jag ultimately decided to bring Matt to the final two after emerging victorious in the last Head of Household competition. Had Jag chosen her instead, Bowie had a well-prepared argument to assert her superiority over him in terms of deserving the win.

Bowen Jane, a Contestant on Big Brother 25, Confidently Collaborated with Matt and Jag

"I intentionally played the role of the middle person, as discussed with Cory, America, Jag, Matt, and myself," she revealed. "Our plan was to present me as neutral in the Big Brother house, but secretly I was in an alliance with them. I ensured that no one suspected our alliance by avoiding winning any competitions in the first half of the season. I did this deliberately as winning comps only magnifies the target on your back when it comes to nominating people."

While Bowie’s collaboration with Matt and Jag didn't secure her a spot in the final two, she maintains her stance on working with individuals she could rely on. A pivotal moment in the game occurred during week 5 when Bowie's previous allies, Felicia Cannon, Cirie Fields, Izzy Gleicher, and Mecole Hayes, unexpectedly voted out Red Utley without informing Bowie, catching her off guard.

Bowen Jane, a Contestant on Big Brother 25, Confidently Collaborated with Matt and Jag

Bowie Jane, Matt Klotz, and Jag Bains expressed their dissatisfaction with the deceitful tactics used in the game. Bowie, in particular, believed in the honesty and unity of their alliance, unaware of the numerous alliances formed by others.

She continued: “I thought 70 percent of the house would be honest and there’d be a handful of dodgy people. It was the other way around.”