Contrary to previous reports, renowned studio Rocksteady did not develop a Superman game, as stated in an exclusive report Instead, they focused on a multiplayer project before diving into their highl...
Rocksteady has announced that it is easing up on its NDA restrictions for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, allowing players to share more of their experiences from the closed alpha test. This d...
As Rocksteady focuses on the development of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, fans wonder about the possibility of another mainline Batman: Arkham game. Let's explore the potential future of the...
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League: A thrilling and ambitious third-person shooter that ignites excitement with its unique gameplay mechanics Rocksteady's live-game experience offers cool ideas th...
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League promises to redefine DC storytelling in gaming, with Rocksteady's developers hinting at an exciting live-game future during a recent preview event
Rocksteady's Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League may defy genre labels, but at its core, it remains an immersive Arkham game experience, promising thrilling co-op gameplay, iconic supervillains, an...
Rocksteady's oversight of cosmetic potential in Batman: Arkham Knight is highlighted by the addition of Robert Pattinson's The Batman suit, which, while a lovely inclusion, further exposes the limited...
Rocksteady's Gotham Knights could revive a forgotten Arkham feature, potentially surpassing the efforts of WB Games Montreal With the inclusion of Arkham Knight's successful Dual Play mechanic and the...
Rocksteady's Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League could find a fitting home in Gotham Knights, expanding its playerbase and complementing the game's move to Game Pass An exciting opportunity for bot...