Gearbox's next project is generating buzz and anticipation within the gaming community. The studio's CEO, Randy Pitchford, hints at a groundbreaking release that promises to surpass all previous endea...
Fans eagerly anticipate the release of Borderlands 4 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 2, as rumors and leaks suggest their existence However, Gearbox is yet to provide an official confirmation for these hi...
Speculation surrounds Gearbox's potential acquisition as reports suggest the studio may be up for sale Take-Two emerges as a strong contender, igniting discussions about the possibility of a promising...
Gearbox's silence on Borderlands 4 leaves fans speculating, but a potential clue may lie in the absence of playable characters in recent DLCs Discover how their developmental patterns hint at what's t...
Gearbox has the power to revolutionize Borderlands' future by allowing players to shape the game for years to come With its potential for player-created content, Borderlands is the ultimate platform f...
Gearbox has a golden opportunity to ignite excitement for Borderlands 4 by employing a mind-blowing BL2 technique, even though the game's release may be distant Borderlands 3 deserves its own epic Fig...
Gearbox surprises fans at San Diego Comic Con with an unexpected announcement: a thrilling new Borderlands project that defies all expectations Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled adventure like never...
Gearbox's upcoming game, Borderlands 4, has fans eager for new experiences While introducing fresh elements, the studio should also embrace a beloved feature from the franchise's past, making crossove...