Borderlands 4: A Revolutionary Leap into Uncharted Territory

Borderlands 4: A Revolutionary Leap into Uncharted Territory

Gearbox's upcoming game, Borderlands 4, has fans eager for new experiences While introducing fresh elements, the studio should also embrace a beloved feature from the franchise's past, making crossovers an integral part of the game once again

The Borderlands franchise has made significant efforts to appeal to a wide audience throughout its existence. With its clever humor and high-energy gameplay, Gearbox Software has successfully made the series accessible to newcomers in the looter shooter genre. Additionally, the franchise has capitalized on the latest trends in pop culture, with the introduction of influencer antagonists in Borderlands 3 being a prime example. As fans eagerly anticipate the possibility of a Borderlands 4, there are numerous ways in which the franchise can once again connect with pop culture in an enjoyable and seamless manner.

One of the most popular methods in the gaming industry to engage with pop culture is through crossovers. These crossovers can take various forms, ranging from subtle references to integral components of a game's monetization strategy, as seen in Fortnite. Regardless of the approach, crossovers serve as a delightful means of bridging the gap between gaming and other forms of entertainment. While Borderlands has flirted with crossovers in the past, particularly in Borderlands 2, the series has not extensively explored this avenue in recent years. This presents Borderlands 4 with an exceptional opportunity to compensate for lost time and fully embrace the potential of crossovers.

Borderlands' Crossover History Explained

Borderlands 4: A Revolutionary Leap into Uncharted Territory

Crossovers used to be subtle Easter eggs that added fun to a game without interrupting the overall experience. In the case of Borderlands 2, they were implemented in a playful and creative way. When the game was released in 2012, Minecraft was a popular game, so Gearbox included a hidden Easter egg dedicated to it in the Caustic Caverns. This became a hot topic in the gaming community at the time, causing players to eagerly search for it.

Within the Caustic Caverns, players can discover train tracks leading to a distinctively blocky wall. By repeatedly melee attacking this wall, it will break just like in Minecraft, revealing a secret cave. Inside the cave, players will encounter creepers that resemble those from Minecraft, along with gold ore that yields money and a unique purple ore containing Eridium. Defeating the creepers rewards players with a skin and headpiece that transform the appearance of each of Borderlands 2's Vault Hunters to resemble Steve from Minecraft.

How Borderlands 4 Can Bring Back Crossovers

Borderlands 4: A Revolutionary Leap into Uncharted Territory

The Minecraft crossover in Borderlands 2 was a creative merging of popular gaming elements, although subsequent games in the series have not pursued crossovers in the same way. If Gearbox decides to be more ambitious with Borderlands 4, there are numerous possibilities for cross collaborations. One obvious option would be a crossover with Fortnite, given its prominence in the industry. For instance, Borderlands 4 could feature Fortnite's Battle Bus hidden on a planet like Pandora, incorporating various Easter eggs that reference the popular battle royale game.

With Borderlands 3 aging and the release of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands as a satisfactory spin-off, many fans of the Borderlands franchise eagerly anticipate a potential Borderlands 4. There are still unresolved plot threads in the Borderlands universe that need closure, and many hope that the fourth installment will provide some definitive conclusion to certain storylines. Irrespective of the outcome, Borderlands 4 will likely uphold the series' humor and ideally include playful crossovers with other notable gaming properties.