Bob Odenkirk, known for his role as Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad, is stepping into a new action era with his upcoming projects. Explore how Odenkirk's career is evolving through his action roles in mo...
Bob Odenkirk, known for his role in Breaking Bad and Nobody, is set to star in a new action thriller called Normal. The movie promises suspense, mystery, and a thrilling storyline that will keep audie...
Bob Odenkirk, the talented actor known for his roles in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, has recently discovered a surprising royal connection. Through the PBS show Finding Your Roots, Odenkirk lear...
Exploring the hidden success of the movie Nobody and the upcoming short film Wish Me Luck, chronicling Bob Odenkirk's training for the role of Hutch Mansell.
A supercut of every time Bob Odenkirk missed out on an Emmy for Better Call Saul is breaking hearts on TikTok. Despite his widely praised performances, Odenkirk has yet to secure an Emmy win for his r...
Discover the latest on Nobody 2, the thrilling action sequel starring Bob Odenkirk Uncover details on the release date, cast members, plot, and more Stay tuned to find out if Nobody 2 will cross paths...
Sequel buzz intensifies as Nobody 2 star finally confirms the highly anticipated update fans have been waiting for Get ready for more action-packed thrills in Bob Odenkirk's thrilling sequel!