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Created date 27/06/2023
Blizzard remains undeterred by criticism as they proceed with the contentious Alexstrasza quest, revamping players' involvement in her daring escape from the Dragonmaw Orcs
Created date 26/06/2023
World of Warcraft Classic: An Epic Journey with Uncertain Destinations As content updates approach their end, Blizzard faces the challenge of steering this beloved brand towards a future filled with p...
Created date 26/06/2023
Blizzard races against time to restore Diablo 4's servers as gamers face frustration The highly anticipated game's ongoing server issues leave players eagerly awaiting a resolution
Created date 24/06/2023
Blizzard confirms that Overwatch 2 will reintroduce player levels, exciting the gaming community with the return of this beloved feature in the hero-shooter Get ready to level up and showcase your exp...
Created date 24/06/2023
Diablo 4 players express disappointment with the dungeons in Blizzard's latest release, citing their lackluster and uninspiring designs
Created date 24/06/2023
Diablo 4 players express strong discontent online as they voice their frustration over the lengthy spawn times of world bosses in Blizzard's popular action RPG
Created date 24/06/2023
Discover an exciting new glitch in Diablo 4! Unveiling an incredible loot exploit that grants players access to infinite rewards, this glitch has quickly become a must-try for all avid gamers Prepare...
Created date 22/06/2023
Blizzard's upcoming Hero Progression system in Overwatch 2 is a game-changer for players, offering both advantages and drawbacks
Created date 21/06/2023
Blizzard President Mike Ybarra surprises fans with a promising response to a tweet advocating for a StarCraft comeback amidst Diablo 4's triumph, declaring the iconic sci-fi franchise as one of the be...
Created date 20/06/2023
Diablo 4 enthusiasts are urging Blizzard to incorporate a fundamental quality-of-life enhancement that promises to revolutionize the gameplay experience, elevating it to new heights