Ariel Winter's Candid Reflection on Her Mental Well-being
Modern Family star Ariel Winter shares her ongoing journey with mental health, highlighting her dedicated efforts towards self-care and well-being
During a recent interview on the "Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson & Olivia Allen" podcast, Ariel Winter openly discussed her mental health and shared that she has been relying on medication to manage it. The 25-year-old actress questioned why she should pretend that she doesn't require medication when, in reality, it is essential for her well-being. She also mentioned that many people she knows also depend on medication for their mental health.
The former Modern Family actress disclosed that she has been undergoing a mental health journey for the past ten years.
"I began therapy at the age of 15, and I believe I started taking medication around the age of 16," she shared. "Discovering the right medications was an incredibly challenging process. It took a significant amount of time."
Winter experimented with various medications during her time in high school. However, it wasn't until after graduating that she discovered a combination of medications that worked exceptionally well for her.
"When I first realized I needed to take more than one, it felt strange," she remembered. "I felt like I was becoming that person who carries around a pill container. But as time went on, I realized that feeling better was worth it. If taking a couple of pills together helps me be the best version of myself, then so be it."
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Winter reveals that she has been attending therapy for a total of two hours per week ever since she reached the age of 21. She emphasizes her dedication and willingness to openly discuss her personal mental health progress.
"I aim to achieve optimal healing," she expressed, emphasizing her determination. "Consequently, I have dedicated significant efforts towards it."
Winter has consistently been open about her mental health expedition throughout the years. In 2019, when a follower inquired about her noticeable weight loss on Instagram, Winter candidly discussed the reason behind the change - a medication adjustment that influenced her physical transformation.
"The medication change promptly caused me to shed all the excess weight that had proven stubborn to lose, by reigniting my metabolism," she revealed during an Instagram Story Q&A. "This outcome came as a pleasant surprise. Although the change has uplifted my overall mental state, it's gratifying to engage in workouts and witness my body's genuine response. However, my goal now is to build a few pounds of muscle, improve my overall health, and regain my former buttocks."