Star Wars may have hinted at a major theory about Ahsoka a year ago. The trailers for the upcoming Star Wars series reveal that Ahsoka Tano will face off against a mysterious Imperial Inquisitor. However, it seems like their identity may have already been established.
Considering that the series mainly takes place during the New Republic Era, it is odd to see Ahsoka battling an Inquisitor, as most of Darth Vader's Jedi-hunters were believed to have died out before A New Hope. While their duel could be shown in flashbacks, this particular Inquisitor might hold a personal grudge against Ahsoka if the theories are accurate. Many believe that the masked figure is actually Barriss Offee, as hinted in a short story from the 2022 Star Wars book, "Stories Of Jedi & Sith." This would be a logical progression for Barriss after her last appearance in The Clone Wars animated series.
Star Wars: Stories Of Jedi & Sith Set Up Palpatine's Role In Barriss' Fall
In the Clone Wars season 5, Barriss Offee undergoes a profound internal conflict regarding the Jedi Order's role, leading her to embrace the dark side. In her attempt to disrupt the Jedi Temple, she frames Ahsoka for the crimes committed. However, Ahsoka manages to escape and, with the aid of her master Anakin Skywalker, works towards proving her innocence. Barriss is subsequently put on trial and imprisoned, leaving her ultimate fate unknown. Some speculate that she may have become an Inquisitor recruited by Palpatine and serving under Darth Vader after the fall of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Empire.
The story "A Jedi's Duty" by Karen Strong, featured in Stories Of Jedi & Sith, lends credibility to this speculation. It revolves around Barriss and confirms the presence of an ominous force in the Jedi Temple, possibly even Palpatine himself:
Despite being safely within the walls of the Jedi Temple, she no longer felt completely secure. As a youngling, she had been brought there to learn the ways of the Force. The Temple had always been her sanctuary, but now it filled her with fear. Darkness encroached upon its corridors, haunting her every step. Barriss had sensed its presence ever since she returned.
Considering that many of the Inquisitors were disillusioned Jedi whom Palpatine had seduced to the dark side before executing Order 66, it was possible that Barriss fit the profile due to her frustrations with the Jedi Order. In light of this, the lingering darkness may have been Palpatine projecting himself into the Temple via the Force, enabling him to freely operate while searching for potential agents right under the Jedi Council's watchful eyes.
Did Palpatine Keep Barriss Alive To Become An Inquisitor?
If Palpatine's involvement in Barriss' fall to the dark side is true, it is likely that she would have joined the Empire as one of its Inquisitors. It is possible that Palpatine spared her during Order 66, allowing her to be under Darth Vader's control, leading to the anticipated confrontation with Ahsoka, her former friend turned foe, in the future. In any case, the Star Wars canon does provide a plausible narrative to support this significant theory about Ahsoka.