Adam Driver's Daily Haunting: The Iconic Star Wars Scene That Stays With Him

Adam Driver's Daily Haunting: The Iconic Star Wars Scene That Stays With Him

Adam Driver, renowned for his role in the Star Wars trilogy, reflects on the enduring impact of a particular iconic scene that continues to haunt him, capturing the essence of his greatest misstep in the beloved franchise (324 characters)

Adam Driver, a prominent figure in the latest Star Wars trilogy, reflects on the one iconic scene that is always brought up to him. In the Star Wars franchise, numerous memorable scenes come to mind, from Luke Skywalker's battle with Darth Vader to Yoda's remarkable feat of lifting the X-wing out of the water.

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The franchise continued to deliver memorable scenes with the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015, creating a new trilogy. Adam Driver, who portrayed the villain Kylo Ren, was responsible for one of the most unforgettable moments in the trilogy. In a recent interview, Driver recounted the iconic Star Wars scene that continues to be a frequent topic of conversation.

Driver can’t escape his greatest Star Wars misdeed

Driver recently appeared on Max’s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace where the host was quick to ask Driver about his time in the iconic franchise.

The actor reflected on how his most iconic scene, the killing of Han Solo in The Force Awakens, has continued to affect him. The revelation was a shock to fans as Driver portrayed Han and Princess Leia's son. "Someone brings it up almost every day," Driver admitted, "well, maybe not every day, but quite often. It used to be more frequent, but now it's probably once a month somewhere."

The killing of Han marked a significant shift in the new trilogy, with Kylo leveraging the act to reaffirm his allegiance to the dark side and mark his entry into the Sith.

Check out Dexerto’s full coverage of all the latest Star Wars content. This event marked Kylo’s final descent to the dark side and resulted in the death of one of the three original characters from the Star Wars universe.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I grew up watching the Star Wars sequels and was captivated by the complex character of Kylo Ren. Adam Driver's portrayal of the conflicted villain was one of the highlights of the trilogy for me, and I can understand why the scene where he kills Han Solo continues to haunt him.

The death of Han Solo was a pivotal moment in the Star Wars saga, and it had a profound impact on both the characters and the audience. For Kylo Ren, it represented a окончательный descent into the dark side, and it set the stage for his eventual redemption. For the audience, it was a shocking and emotional moment that reminded us of the high stakes of the Star Wars universe. I believe that this scene will continue to be remembered as one of the most iconic moments in Star Wars history, and I am grateful to Adam Driver for his nuanced and powerful performance.