7-Year Wait for Skyrim PS3 Disappoints: A Fan's Experience Revealed

7-Year Wait for Skyrim PS3 Disappoints: A Fan's Experience Revealed

A Skyrim fan revisits the PS3 version after 7 years, only to find themselves in a world of frustration and disappointment Glitches, freezes, and poor performance plague the once-beloved game, leaving the player with a bitter taste of nostalgia

Upon revisiting the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim after a seven-year hiatus, one player was met with a catastrophic experience. Although Skyrim received universal acclaim upon its initial release on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in 2011, it cannot be denied that the PS3 iteration of Bethesda's expansive open world game was the weakest of the three. Bethesda games are notorious for possessing glitches on all platforms, but the PS3 version of Skyrim was infamously worse than its counterparts on PC and Xbox 360. PS3 players encountered specific issues, such as severe lag, which plagued their gameplay experience. Although some updates were released to address these issues, it appears that significant problems persist in the PS3 version of the game.

A Redditor by the name of Substantial_Car_4092 recently shared their bizarre experience with the PS3 version of Skyrim. After leaving the game untouched for seven years, they started a new save only to find that the buildings and textures failed to load properly. This resulted in a peculiarly flat landscape with only a handful of characters visible. To make matters worse, they were unable to move their character due to an NPC that seemed to have loaded inside it. While Skyrim has had its fair share of bugs, this one takes the cake for being particularly perplexing. However, the silver lining is that the issue occurred early on in the game and not later, which would have been far more devastating for the player. Imagine losing hours of progress towards collecting all of Skyrim's trophies!

Players who are using newer devices may not experience the same level of issues as those who played Skyrim on older devices. Nonetheless, even the latest versions of Skyrim may still have some minor issues that players should take note of. Although Bethesda received some backlash for not addressing certain lingering issues in the Skyrim - Anniversary Edition releases, these versions are still considered to be the best way to enjoy the immersive open-world RPG today. Initially released for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has continued to captivate players for years.