10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

Discover the untold stories that would have reshaped the Star Wars universe! Explore 10 mind-blowing deleted scenes from The Clone Wars that could have altered the course of the epic saga forever

Article Overview

The Clone Wars

was successful due to its connected storytelling and its contribution to the larger Star Wars universe, but several deleted scenes could have altered the franchise.

Seasons 6 and 7 of

The Clone Wars

were shorter, resulting in many storylines and scenes being cut. 10 specifically could have had a significant impact on the Star Wars franchise.

Anakin's duel with Ventress, Boba Fett's training with Cad Bane, Anakin confronting the Jedi Council for Ahsoka, and Palpatine demonstrating his skills against Maul and Savage are among the deleted scenes. Star Wars: The Clone Wars achieved great success with its well-structured storytelling and strong ties to the larger Star Wars universe. However, these deleted scenes had the potential to alter the entire narrative. The series primarily focused on the adventures of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, during the Clone Wars. Taking place between Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith, the show provided crucial context to the Star Wars prequels, ultimately reshaping viewers' perspectives on the trilogy.

The Clone Wars had a run of seven seasons, culminating in its finale six years after the initial cancellation of the show. This lengthy gap provided ample opportunity for the characters' narratives to be further developed and expanded upon in other Star Wars films and shows, such as the inclusion of Ahsoka and Captain Rex in Star Wars Rebels. Nevertheless, due to seasons 6 and 7 being shorter than the preceding five seasons, a significant number of storylines and scenes had to be omitted from the final product. While the constraints of time make it challenging to include everything, there are ten cut scenes that had the potential to alter the trajectory of the entire Star Wars franchise.

10. Anakin Skywalker Duels Ventress in the Rancor Pit

The Clone Wars Movie

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

The Clone Wars stood out due to its theatrical release, which introduced Ahsoka Tano as Anakin Skywalker's apprentice. Their initial mission involved rescuing Rotta, the son of Jabba the Hutt, and delivering him to the crime lord on Tatooine. However, their arrival on Teth led to a confrontation with Asajj Ventress, resulting in all three characters falling into a rancor pit. An excluded scene showcased a duel between Ventress and Anakin, revealing their personal history. This exhilarating duel featured witty remarks and a lightsaber battle atop a rancor. Notably, the scene was fully realized with accompanying music, a feature lacking in many other entries on this list.

9. Boba Fett Trains With Cad Bane

Season 7, Canceled Bounty Hunter Arc

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

During the production of The Clone Wars season 7, George Lucas had already sold Lucasfilm to Disney. As a result, Dave Filoni emerged as one of the main creators. Filoni has since ventured into the creation and writing of various titles in the New Republic Era. One such title is The Book of Boba Fett. In this series, a scene was included where the bounty hunter Cad Bane made a visit to Tatooine to see his former mentee. The Clone Wars had previously explored their relationship, although it was ultimately left out of the final version. Deleted scenes shed light on the toxic mentorship that Cad Bane provided to Boba Fett, setting the stage for their conflict in the finale of The Book of Boba Fett.

8. Anakin Calls Out Mace Windu and Master Yoda

Season 4, Episode 17 “The Box”

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

In the fourth season of The Clone Wars, an intriguing storyline unfolds where Obi-Wan Kenobi fabricates his own death in order to assume the identity of a bounty hunter. This clandestine operation is orchestrated by the Jedi Council who keep Obi-Wan's survival a secret from his heartbroken comrades, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. However, a deleted scene adds another layer of tension to the narrative as Anakin senses Obi-Wan's presence and confronts Master Yoda and Mace Windu. Deeply suspicious, Anakin accuses them of concealing the truth, yet both Jedi dismiss his claims, assuring him that he will be informed at the appropriate time. This omitted scene would have strengthened the justification for Anakin's eventual descent to the dark side, intensifying the conflict within him and his relationship with the Jedi.

7. The Nightsisters Train With Ventress

Season 3, Episode 12 “Nightsisters”

The Clone Wars season 3 showcased Asajj Ventress reuniting with her people, the Nightsisters of Dathomir, following Count Dooku's attempt to eliminate her. Ventress embarked on a vengeful journey and aimed to eliminate her former master while also training other Nightsisters to assist in assassinating the Sith Lord. Although this deleted scene may not have held significant importance in The Clone Wars, it would have been truly captivating to witness the training of these incredible female warriors and gain a deeper understanding of the extent of their power.

6. Anakin Confronts The Jedi Council For Ahsoka

Season 5, Episode 18 “The Jedi Who Knew Too Much”

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

It was truly heart-wrenching when Ahsoka Tano was framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple in season 5 of The Clone Wars. What made it even more painful was the fact that she felt the Jedi didn't have faith in her innocence. In a scene that didn't make it to the final cut, Anakin boldly confronts the Jedi Council, vehemently insisting that Ahsoka is innocent and unjustly accused. This not only showcases Anakin's deep concern for Ahsoka but also underscores the sagacity of Master Yoda. Yoda, despite the incriminating evidence, expresses his disbelief in Ahsoka's involvement in the Temple bombing. He urges Anakin to take action and defend Ahsoka before it's too late. If this powerful scene had been included, it would have magnified the devastation of Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order.

5. Palpatine Bests Maul and Savage

Season 5, Episode 16 “The Lawless”

An extended excerpt of Palpatine’s lightsaber duel with Maul and his brother, Savage Opress, in season 5 of The Clone Wars vividly showcases Darth Sidious' exceptional skills in lightsaber combat. This remarkable clash not only unveils Palpatine wielding his characteristic red blades, but also accentuates his strengths in a more pronounced manner. Moreover, the extended scene exudes an aura of grandeur, as Palpatine seems to relish in showcasing his superiority, ultimately demoralizing the brothers before triumphing over them. The rarity of a Sith-on-Sith duel further adds to the intrigue, leaving the audience longing for a deeper exploration of their captivating confrontation.

4. Umbaran Banshee Attack

Season 4, Episode 8 “The General”

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

The Umbara Arc, which witnessed the clones tragically turning against each other under the misguided commands of Jedi General Pong Krell, stands out as one of the most heart-wrenching and devastating storylines within The Clone Wars. In an unreleased snippet, Captain Rex and Kix demonstrate their unwavering courage as they fend off grotesque bat-like creatures, protecting their wounded brethren from further harm. This added element of environmental adversity further highlights the immense bravery displayed by soldiers like Rex and Kix, who not only survived the grueling battle but also stood up against Krell's unjust directives.

3. The Son Of Dathomir Arc Was Completely Scrapped

Season 6, Canceled Son Of Dathomir Arc

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

Season 6 of The Clone Wars, known as "The Lost Missions," addressed various plot holes in the Star Wars universe, such as the clone army's inhibitor chips. Although an arc featuring Darth Maul's escape from Palpatine in Season 5 was initially planned but later cut, the scripts for these episodes were still written. This decision was made to shorten The Clone Wars season 6. The unproduced episodes focused on Maul's desire for revenge against Darth Sidious and Count Dooku instead of Obi-Wan Kenobi, further showcasing his determination.

While Maul's story did not unfold in animation, it was adapted into a canonical comic book series called The Son of Dathomir. Published by Dark Horse Comics in 2014, this four-part miniseries depicted Maul's escape from Palpatine and his alliance with his mother, Nightsister Mother Talzin, as well as his Shadow Collective crime syndicate. Together, they set out to confront the Sith Lord. It is undeniable that witnessing this storyline in animation would have been extraordinary and would have provided a stronger connection between Maul's narratives in seasons 5 and 7.

2. Anakin And Obi-Wan Discuss Ahsoka’s Choice To Leave the Jedi

Season 7, Canceled Crystal Crisis Arc

10 Unseen Clips From Star Wars: The Clone Wars That Could Have Altered Everything

In an unreleased footage, Obi-Wan endeavors to comfort Anakin after he confesses his longing for Ahsoka. Anakin still holds resentment towards the Jedi Council for wrongfully implicating Ahsoka in the bombing of the Jedi Temple. Nonetheless, Obi-Wan reminds Anakin that he cannot bear responsibility for Ahsoka's choices, as she made them autonomously. The scene concludes on a melancholic tone when Anakin inquires if Obi-Wan would find peace in his sleep if he had become a major letdown. Obi-Wan responds that it is a trivial concern because Anakin has made him proud. However, viewers are aware that Anakin will ultimately descend into the dark side in a brief span of time.

1. The Son Meets With Ancient Sith Lords

Season 3, Episode 17 “Ghosts of Mortis”


The Mortis gods, potentially playing a significant part in Ahsoka season 2, are no longer impervious to external influences, as evidenced by a previously deleted scene from The Clone Wars season 3. This scene showcases the Son, representing the dark side of the Force, conversing with ancient Sith Lords who appear to be exploiting the Son's connection to manipulate Anakin Skywalker. They discuss the rise of a dark side user destined to rule the galaxy, emphasizing the control that the Chosen One possesses. Prior to this revelation, it was believed that the Mortis gods were not susceptible to external manipulation, particularly by deceased Sith spirits.

Expanding upon this deleted scene, it becomes apparent that the Mortis gods' susceptibility to outside influences may significantly impact their role in Ahsoka season 2. While these deleted scenes and abandoned storylines from The Clone Wars would have greatly enhanced the show and deepened the characters' narratives, they remained unfinished due to cancellations and time limitations. However, with Dave Filoni consistently seeking to address plot inconsistencies and elevate these characters, it is possible that some of these scenes could be revisited in future projects such as Tales of the Jedi season 2 or additional lost mission arcs for The Clone Wars.

Editor's P/S

As a Star Wars fan, I am always excited to see new content from the franchise, and these deleted scenes from The Clone Wars are no exception. They offer a glimpse into what could have been, and it's fascinating to think about how they might have changed the course of the Star Wars saga.

One of the most striking things about these scenes is how they flesh out the characters and their relationships. For example, the scene between Anakin and Ventress shows their complicated history and how they are both struggling with their own inner demons. The scene between Boba Fett and Cad Bane also provides more insight into their relationship, and it's clear that there is a lot of resentment and anger between them.

Overall, these deleted scenes are a fascinating look at what could have been. They offer a glimpse into the creative process behind Star Wars, and they show how even small changes can have a big impact on the story. I'm glad that these scenes have been released, and I hope that we'll get to see more of them in the future.