Zom 100: The Aftermath of Akira's Bucket List in the Manga

Zom 100: The Aftermath of Akira's Bucket List in the Manga

Will Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead manga end once Akira fulfills all his goals? Find out as the series revolves around Akira's eponymous list of aspirations, a challenging task for anyone to compile a hundred desires at once

In Haro Aso's Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, the central focus of the series is the list of things with the same name. Not everyone can easily create a list of one hundred aspirations all at once. However, Akira managed to jot down the first 31 things that came to his mind, recognizing that this was a significant and achievable starting point for his bucket list.

In a surprising twist, the upcoming two chapters, which will be featured in the 16th volume of the manga, bring Akira incredibly close to accomplishing his ultimate bucket list. He now only has six goals left to complete his comprehensive list.

Speculation arises from the development, prompting the query of whether the series is approaching its conclusion as the protagonist edges closer to fulfilling the commitment he embarked upon at the start of his journey. Note: This article contains substantial spoilers for the anime and manga series Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead and is solely based on the author's speculative viewpoint.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead manga will likely conclude after all the goals on Akira’s bucket list are accomplished

Developed by Akira Tendou, the main character of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, the compilation entitled "100 Things I Want To Do Before Becoming A Zombie" encompasses all the aspirations and experiences he desires to fulfill prior to potentially falling victim to the zombie outbreak.

While Akira initially commenced the creation of the list, various other characters such as Kencho, Beatrix, Takamina, among others, have also appended their own objectives to it throughout the progression of the series. The collaborative input from individuals other than Akira has notably decreased the quantity of pending tasks on the list.

As fans closely followed the series, they noticed that Akira's creation of the book of bucket lists didn't mean he was its sole owner. As he ventured further into the world overrun by zombies, the book became a symbol of hope for many characters, offering them a way to break free from the overwhelming darkness that consumed their lives.

In volume 15, chapter 60 of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead manga, the recently revealed bucket list titled "100 Things I Want To Do Before Becoming A Zombie" now consists of 94 goals. Out of these, 72 objectives have already been successfully achieved, leaving only 22 tasks remaining. Additionally, there are still six more goals that need to be added in order to complete the much-desired roster of 100 goals.

To summarize, the conclusion of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead manga will be reached once all the goals on the bucket list are accomplished. However, it is important to note that fulfilling these aspirations is not an easy undertaking for Akira and his companions. Among the most formidable objectives are skydiving, experiencing zero gravity, and embarking on a journey across the entire country.

Remarkably, the foremost challenge among the objectives is Beatrix's resolute aspiration to revive Nippon (Japan) to its pristine splendor, which sits as the 43rd goal on the list. Even if Akira and his cohort manage to discover a remedy for the apocalypse, the endeavor to revitalize the nation will undoubtedly extend over numerous years.

Due to the significant difficulty of this objective, it is expected that there will be unexpected obstacles or complexities. However, Beatrix's determination remains unwavering due to her profound affection for Japan and its culture. As the manga Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead draws near its conclusion, fans eagerly anticipate a gratifying and fitting ending to the series.

Parting ways will undoubtedly prove challenging for fans who have formed an attachment to the characters and storyline. Nonetheless, the future remains uncertain, and it is unclear whether the creator, Haro Aso, has plans for a continuation or if there are more surprises in store for the series.

Stay tuned for more news and updates for Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead anime and manga series as 2023 progresses.

Editor's P/S

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a manga series that follows the story of Akira Tendou, a young man who creates a list of 100 things he wants to do before he becomes a zombie. As the series progresses, Akira and his friends add more items to the list, and they work together to accomplish them.

The series is full of humor, action, and heart, and it's been a joy to follow Akira and his friends on their journey. I'm excited to see what happens next, and I'm sure the series will continue to be a hit with fans.