Zom 100: Akira's Epic Showdown with the Zombified Shark - Unveiled!
Unveiling the unexpected, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead unravels the story of Akira Tendou, a diligent worker entrapped in the corporate world, who unveils his true potential in defeating a zombified shark by exploiting its own vulnerability
Originally introduced as a dedicated employee who gradually gets caught up in the cutthroat corporate world, the main character of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Akira Tendou, ultimately emerges as a symbol of liberation in a tangible form.
Amidst the exploration of gruesome themes and grim destinies, the anime showcases Akira's unwavering determination, proving that he can conquer anything, even a zombie-infested shark. Up until this juncture in Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, no creature has been as grotesque and formidable as the monstrous shark encountered by Akira and his companions in episode 6.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead showcases how a shark’s electroreception could also prove fatal to them
: Akira’s extraordinary determination and ingenuity transformed the odds with a mere, powerful strike, unlike the common necessity of overwhelming firepower depicted in classical Hollywood movies. This exemplifies Akira’s unrivaled fortitude and adaptability in the presence of formidable obstacles.In Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead episode 5 (Image via Bug Films), Shizuka uncovers the weakness of the zombiefied shark.The ocean is governed by fearsome creatures known as sharks, who reign with their powerful fins. These deadly beings are an encounter no one desires in their lifetime. While equipped with an array of abilities, one of their most remarkable and finely honed strengths lies in their electroreception sense, allowing them to detect currents with exceptional precision.
Capable of detecting currents as small as a millionth of a volt, even from distances of thousands of miles (1,600 kilometers), the electroreceptors in sharks are situated around their lower jaws and snouts, appearing as small blackhead-like dots known as ampullae de Lorenzini. Leveraging this knowledge, Shizuka Mikazuki devised a brilliant yet precarious plan within a matter of minutes, while Akira diverted the attention of the zombified shark. Recognizing that even the greatest strengths can become significant vulnerabilities, Shizuka formulated a plan to discharge two batteries near the ampullae de Lorenzini.
Akira dealt a powerful blow to the shark's stout, resulting in its immediate defeat. This move was a risky improvisation since neither Akira nor Shizuka were certain about its effectiveness against a zombified shark whose organs and senses may have deteriorated over time.But luck was on their side as the plan proved successful. Akira even dubbed his maneuver as the "Crackle Thunder," though Shizuka found it somewhat lackluster. The electrifying image of both Akira and the zombified shark enveloped in blazing lightning bolts created a visually stunning effect, immortalizing the one-punch move in the realm of anime.
However, without Shizuka's strategic thinking and Kencho's deliberate acts of risking his own safety for his friend's protection, Akira would not have been able to carry out such a remarkable feat. The combined efforts of the three played a crucial role in the success of this daring accomplishment.
At first, Shizuka had doubts about forming an alliance in a world overrun by zombies. Her analytical judgment led her to believe that it could potentially increase the chances of danger. Nevertheless, as she joined forces with Akira and Kencho at the beginning of their journey, she soon discovered that her initial concerns were unfounded.
Their group has expanded with the inclusion of Beatrix, and Shizuka anticipates that the adventures will now be even more fulfilling and thrilling. Keep following for more news and updates on Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead as 2023 unfolds.