Wrestler Bulk Bronson Embraces Bisexuality in a Moving Pride Month Announcement

Wrestler Bulk Bronson Embraces Bisexuality in a Moving Pride Month Announcement

Witness the heartfelt journey of professional wrestler Bulk Bronson as he courageously comes out as bisexual, drawing inspiration from his pansexual fiancee, Gabby Forza. Discover how this empowering declaration resonates with authenticity and acceptance during Pride Month.

Pro Wrestler Bulk Bronson Comes Out as Bisexual During Pride Month

Pro Wrestler Bulk Bronson Comes Out as Bisexual During Pride Month

Bulk Bronson Courtesy of Bulk Bronson/X

Professional wrestler Bulk Bronson, aged 28, revealed that he is bisexual to celebrate Pride Month. He shared his announcement on X on Monday, June 3, expressing his feelings of being overwhelmed by the support he has received. Bronson mentioned the numerous calls, messages, and interactions he has had with fans, friends, and others after coming out.

Bronson, whose real name is Joseph Fitzpatrick, expressed gratitude for the overwhelming love and support he received from both social media and his family. He specifically mentioned his fiancée, Gabby Forza, who encouraged him to openly embrace his sexuality.

According to Bronson, Gabby has always been his source of love and pride. She supported him since he first confided in her about his sexuality at the beginning of their relationship. She emphasized the importance of him being true to himself and sharing his truth only when he felt ready.

Bronson credits Gabby's unwavering love and acceptance for giving him the confidence to be open about his sexuality. He explained that her opinion was the only one that truly mattered to him, as she is his whole world.

The athlete recently shared that he has been feeling a change in himself after witnessing Forza, 27, and others openly embracing their sexuality. Inspired by Forza and his friends, the athlete decided to open up about his own sexuality on social media. He posted a photo of himself with the bisexual flag, following Forza's lead in proudly displaying the pansexual flag.

Pro Wrestler Bulk Bronson Comes Out as Bisexual During Pride Month

Pro Wrestler Bulk Bronson Comes Out as Bisexual During Pride Month

Bronson and Gabby Forza shared a photo on Instagram. In the caption, Bronson admitted that he wasn't sure how people would react to his revelation. He also mentioned that he didn't really mind either way.

In the moment, all he knew was that he wanted to do something for himself. Finally, it felt right.

Bronson described the response he received as "indescribable" and mentioned that it took him some time to fully understand his feelings. He expressed gratitude for the support he received, and also emphasized the importance of representation for everyone.

He concluded by saying, "If my coming out and living authentically can make just one person feel more comfortable in their own skin, then it's all worth it for me."

Bronson is currently a wrestler for All Elite Wrestling and Ring of Honor. He is part of the Iron Savages group with Bear Boulder and made his wrestling debut in 2015 before joining AEW in 2020.

Editor's P/S:

Bulk Bronson's decision to come out as bisexual during Pride Month is a powerful and inspiring act. His story highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the transformative power of love and support. Bronson's fiancée, Gabby Forza, played a crucial role in his journey, demonstrating the profound impact that allies can have in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Bronson's willingness to share his truth publicly is a reminder of the ongoing need for representation within the wrestling community and beyond. By embracing his authentic self, he sends a message of hope and encourages others to do the same. His story serves as a testament to the power of visibility and the potential for positive change that can result from open and honest conversations about sexuality and gender identity.