Overwatch 2 Unveils Stunning Pride Updates for Gamers

Overwatch 2 Unveils Stunning Pride Updates for Gamers

Overwatch 2 celebrates Pride Month with a vibrant event offering new cosmetics and map changes to represent the LGBTQ+ community A special short story adds to the festivities, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all players

Blizzard recently announced an exciting new Pride event for Overwatch 2, offering players the opportunity to celebrate the game's diverse cast of heroes and express their own unique identities with a range of dazzling cosmetics. Starting from June 1, players can enjoy some map changes and exclusive cosmetics that showcase the game's commitment to inclusivity and representation.

The Overwatch 2 development team is dedicated to expanding the game's characters and their relationships, particularly in anticipation of the upcoming PvE content. This Pride event is just one of many ways that Blizzard is working to enrich the game's world and lore, promising even more exciting developments in the seasons and years to come.

Upon logging into Overwatch 2, players will receive a special Pride Month collection of Player Icons and Name Cards. These Name Cards showcase a variety of heroes, such as Tracer and Soldier 76. Moreover, fans can look forward to a brand new short story, written by Jen Stacey, which will delve into the sexual orientation of Baptiste and Pharah. This story will explore the identities of these heroes and reveal more about their personal lives. In addition, the game will feature Name Card cosmetics for individuals who identify as Intersex, Genderfluid, Asexual, Aromantic, and other members of the LGBT+ community. Finally, the collection will include icons displaying various Pride flags, representing the diversity within the community.

Overwatch 2 Unveils Stunning Pride Updates for Gamers

Overwatch 2 Unveils Stunning Pride Updates for Gamers

During the month-long Overwatch 2 event, players can expect to see some cosmetic updates on the game's maps in celebration of Pride Month. Among these updates is a new Tracer and Emily spray, which will be a must-have for Tracer mains. Additionally, players can explore an updated version of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, complete with the Tracer and Emily spray, during this festive month.

The event's cosmetics will be automatically added to every player's account starting from June 1, including those created in the future. Additionally, Blizzard will offer Pride-themed apparel in their Gear Store, with sales proceeds benefiting the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE). By providing these options, the development team aims to offer players a chance to express themselves while acknowledging the iconic Overwatch 2 heroes that have captured fans' hearts over the years. Overwatch 2 can now be enjoyed on multiple platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Overwatch Team Blog