Winston's Afterlife 2 Role Has OG Ghostbusters Actor Thrilled, Despite Taking a Surprising Turn!

Winston's Afterlife 2 Role Has OG Ghostbusters Actor Thrilled, Despite Taking a Surprising Turn!

Ghostbusters actor embraces Winston's role in Afterlife 2, despite personal creative differences Excitement builds as production wraps on the highly anticipated sequel

Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2 will see Ernie Hudson's Winston Zeddemore embark on a fresh journey, which has him thrilled despite it deviating from his own concept. In the original Ghostbusters film, Hudson's character was introduced later on as a late addition to the team to cope with the increasing demand for their services, rather than being a scientist like the others. Hudson reprised his role in Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2, and even had a special post-credits scene. During an exclusive interview with Screen Rant for his new film Prisoner's Daughter, Hudson reflected on his time in the Ghostbusters franchise. He not only clarified his previous comments about the mistreatment he faced during the making of the original movie, but also revealed his excitement for Winston's new direction in Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2, even if it diverges from his own ideas.

Yeah, it's great because the fans have always been incredibly supportive and encouraging. My biggest issue has always been with the studio, but I don't mean to imply that they did something wrong. Studios operate in their own way, doing what they believe is necessary.

However, in the case of Winston, the latest movie Afterlife provided him with purpose and a clear role. He's the one who provides the funding to keep this venture going. So that was a positive development. While we are introducing new characters and stories, Winston still has a valid reason for being a part of it all. In the earlier movies, we established the friendship between the three guys and their business, so the question of how much more we needed from Winston arises. Personally, I don't fully understand all the details, but Winston definitely has a place. The extent of that place, though, is determined by others. [Chuckles]

How Ghostbusters: Afterlife Improved Winston As A Character

Additionally, as we introduce fresh narratives and characters, the entire venture gains momentum. However, we remain an integral part of it, so witnessing the presence of Bill Murray, Danny Aykroyd, and Annie Potts was truly delightful. Their genuine enjoyment and enthusiasm were palpable. While it may not align with my personal vision, I am sincerely honored to be involved. I believe fans will appreciate this new direction, but only time will tell.

Winston's Afterlife 2 Role Has OG Ghostbusters Actor Thrilled, Despite Taking a Surprising Turn!

Hudson recently opened up about the challenges he faced while working on the original Ghostbusters film. He attributed these difficulties to the actions of Columbia Pictures, the studio behind the movie, who appeared to intentionally sideline his character, Winston, despite his initial introduction at the beginning of the film. However, Hudson expressed his gratitude towards Ivan Reitman's collaborative approach throughout the franchise and the unwavering support from fans who have made his character a favorite over the years.

While public opinion may have contributed to the character's improvement more than the movies themselves, Ghostbusters: Afterlife truly succeeded in redeeming Winston and giving him a more meaningful role in the franchise's future. In the post-credits scene of the 2021 sequel, he is portrayed as a prosperous entrepreneur who owns the Ghostbusters' firehouse base, and has restored the Ecto-1 vehicle. With these developments, Hudson's character appears ready to guide the next generation, particularly Egon Spengler's granddaughter, Mckenna Grace's Phoebe.

It is worth mentioning that Hudson mentions how Winston's role in Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2 is not necessarily the direction he would have preferred for the character. However, he assures that fans of the franchise will appreciate this new direction. This raises the question of whether he will once again be overshadowed by the nostalgia-driven appearances of Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd or, more tragically, if he will face his demise at the hands of a ghost, leading to a revenge plot involving the new young heroes and his former comrades.