Why Pokemon GO Fans Are Demanding a Vital Addition Six Years Later

Why Pokemon GO Fans Are Demanding a Vital Addition Six Years Later

Pokemon GO fans are expressing frustration with the game's developers for failing to add a highly requested feature, even six years after the game's release Despite ongoing updates and improvements, players continue to call for this important addition to the game

Pokemon GO enthusiasts have expressed their disappointment regarding the absence of a major feature that has been missing from the game since its release in 2016. In recent times, Niantic has made several changes and oversights that have further frustrated the community, such as the modification to the Remote Raid Passes in Pokemon GO. Despite its initial launch issues, Pokemon GO became a global sensation in 2016, captivating players worldwide. However, even after several years, fans continue to be disappointed with the lack of this particular feature.

The Pokemon GO community has been vocal about their desire for accessibility settings to be implemented into the game, as highlighted in a recent post by Reddit user WeaponisedArmadillo. The post emphasizes the absence of standard features that are commonly found in modern games, such as color-blind settings, text-size toggling, and alternative tapping gestures for users with certain disabilities. In contrast, triple-AAA titles like Diablo 4 launch with a range of accessibility settings, making the lack of such options in Pokemon GO particularly frustrating for its community. While there are other issues plaguing the game, the absence of accessibility settings feels like a failure to meet even the most basic expectations of players in a landscape where such features are standard.

The Pokemon GO community has expressed frustration with the game's battling system, which currently involves repetitive tapping, and the Raid system, which was criticized during the recent Regigrado Raid event. Despite these concerns, Niantic has not yet indicated plans to address these issues.