Why Final Fantasy 16's Bold Step Ignites Controversy Among Fans

Why Final Fantasy 16's Bold Step Ignites Controversy Among Fans

Final Fantasy 16 revolutionizes the franchise in numerous ways, yet disappointingly adheres to one frustrating tradition regarding its protagonists Clive's characterization and actions, though innovative, still rely on this long-standing formula

Final Fantasy 16 introduces fans to a new era of the beloved RPG franchise, delighting players with its innovative gameplay and nod to its origins. Despite its many improvements, the game still adheres to some of the series' familiar character tropes, particularly when it comes to protagonist Clive Rosfield. Although Clive is a compelling and mature focal point, his characterization falls into the same patterns seen in previous Final Fantasy games. This missed opportunity to break tradition with Clive is evident in a game that has otherwise evolved and reimagined nearly every other aspect for a new generation of players.

Clive's Characterization Follows a Long and Frustrating Tradition

Why Final Fantasy 16's Bold Step Ignites Controversy Among Fans

In Final Fantasy 16, Clive Rosfield addresses a recurring issue within the series. Despite the fact that Final Fantasy is known for its beloved storylines, the male protagonists, in particular, tend to have similar appearances and story arcs. These protagonists are often depicted as young adults with spiky hair, emotionally troubled, and haunted by a troubled past. Their past experiences and their reluctance to discuss them greatly shape their relationships with others and serve as the driving force behind their actions in the game.

However, Final Fantasy 16 takes a different approach to its protagonist. The game provides a more comprehensive portrayal of Clive, spanning nearly 60 hours of gameplay and depicting three distinct phases of his life, including the pivotal events that lead him down the path of seeking revenge. Players had a chance to experience a glimpse of this story through the playable demo released earlier this month. Unlike previous protagonists, Clive does not conform to the typical character tropes from the beginning. Instead, he evolves into a dark and reserved individual as a result of the traumatic events he endures during his early years.

Clive Rosfield's Actions Utilize Tradition to Break New Ground

Why Final Fantasy 16's Bold Step Ignites Controversy Among Fans

Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of Final Fantasy 16, breaks new ground and adds a modern twist to the series' traditional elements. Unlike previous protagonists who sought to restore the crystals, Clive's mission is to destroy them and free humanity. This unexpected twist in the narrative sets the stage for future titles to reimagine and revitalize the overused elements of the Final Fantasy series. Fans are hopeful that Final Fantasy 16 is a sign of the franchise's promising future, with its best years yet to come.

Final Fantasy 16 is now available on PS5.