Final Fantasy 16 is set to introduce a thrilling new feature in the form of Eikon battles. These battles involve individual characters, known as Dominants, hosting powerful creatures known as Eikons and utilizing their unique abilities. The protagonist, Clive Rosfield, is one such character and his Eikon, Ifrit, is unlike any other revealed so far. Ifrit is the Dark Eikon of Fire and its power appears to stem from a source of darkness or evil, adding to the game's darker and more mature tone. Throughout the game, players will follow Clive through three distinct phases of his life as he engages in epic and visceral one-on-one battles with these powerful creatures.
Final Fantasy 16's Eikons Represent Nations and Elements
In Final Fantasy 16, the Eikons and Dominants are shrouded in mystery, but they represent specific lands and elements. Square-Enix has unveiled eight Eikons, including Phoenix, Ifrit, Garuda, Titan, Shiva, Bahamut, Ramuh, and Odin, with some linked to a country or element. Phoenix, the Eikon of Fire, is associated with The Grand Duchy of Rosaria, where Clive and Joshua reside. Garuda, the Eikon of Wind, represents the Kingdom of Waloed, while Titan, the Eikon of Earth, is associated with The Dhalmekian Republic. However, Clive's link to Ifrit as Dominant implies that Final Fantasy 16 may reveal some sinister truths. The Awakening Trailer revealed that Clive's younger brother was chosen as the Phoenix Dominant, making him next in line to become the Archduke of Rosaria, while Clive becomes host to Ifrit, the Dark Eikon of Fire, whose presence hints at the possibility of dark counterparts for every elemental Eikon, each with its own dark Dominant.
Dark Eikons May Be the Crux of Final Fantasy 16's Narrative
The potential of Final Fantasy 16's Dark Eikons within the game's narrative is enormous. The backbone of the story seems to revolve around Clive's connection to Ifrit, as he endeavors to use his dark Eikonic abilities to liberate humanity from the influence of the Crystals. Since it is believed that each nation has a crystal and a Dominant to protect it, Clive's motive puts him on a collision course with each nation's Eikon. It is possible that Clive's actions will result in the emergence of Dark Eikons in other nations, which he may utilize to some extent.
The main plot of Final Fantasy 16 appears to unfold after a time jump early on in the game. After the leap, Clive is observed wielding some of Phoenix's power, which may reveal Joshua's fate and the reason behind Clive's mission. With his distinctive ability to wield the abilities of other Eikons, Clive may increase in strength and darkness while "liberating" each nation, potentially giving rise to Dark Eikons. While the identities of these Eikons remain a closely guarded secret, their existence is clearly hinted at. The nature of Clive's connection to the Dark Eikons raises many questions. However, with only a month left until the release of Final Fantasy 16, these questions, along with many others, will soon be answered.
Final Fantasy 16 launches on June 22 for PlayStation 5.