Upgrading the Crafting Bench in Lego Fortnite: A Comprehensive Guide

Upgrading the Crafting Bench in Lego Fortnite: A Comprehensive Guide

Upgrade your Crafting Bench in Lego Fortnite to unlock more powerful tools and weapons Discover the step-by-step process for each upgrade, from the initial improvement to the final enhancement

How to upgrade the Crafting Bench

Upgrading the Crafting Bench in Lego Fortnite: A Comprehensive Guide

Upgrading the Crafting Bench in Lego Fortnite

The Crafting Bench can be upgraded by interacting with the bench itself. To upgrade the Crafting Bench you need to approach it and open the crafting menu. From the crafting menu, you need to tab over to the upgrade screen. Each upgrade will unlock higher rarity tools for you to craft, as long as you also have the necessary resources to make them. Below are the necessary resources needed for each of the three Crafting Bench upgrades, along with links to Our Website's guides for most of the resources.

Crafting Bench first upgrade

8 Wooden Planks

3 Roller Shells

Crafting Bench second upgrade

12 Knotroot Rods

15 Marble Slabs

6 Sand Claws

3 Sand Roller Shells

Crafting Bench third upgrade

15 Copper Bars

25 Obsidian Slabs

1 The Brute Scale

Gathering all of these resources will be quite a task. You'll have to explore caves in the initial forest location as well as venture into the caves of the dry valley, the desert region. This will involve covering significant distances, and although Lego Fortnite doesn't offer fast travel, there are ways to move around more quickly than just by running.

Lego Fortnite is among the three new modes recently added to Fortnite, joining Fortnite Festival and Rocket Racing. Epic Games has confirmed that all three games will be continually updated and are here to stay.

Editor's P/S

As a huge fan of Lego Fortnite, I am thrilled about the new crafting system and the ability to upgrade the Crafting Bench. This will allow players to unlock more powerful tools and weapons, giving them an edge in the game. I can't wait to explore the caves and gather the necessary resources to upgrade my Crafting Bench and become even more powerful.

I also appreciate that Epic Games is committed to continually updating Lego Fortnite and the other new modes. This shows that they are dedicated to providing players with a fresh and exciting experience, and I am confident that Lego Fortnite will continue to be a popular mode for years to come.