Upgrade Your Fortnite Arsenal: Chapter 4 Season 2 Bench Locations

Upgrade Your Fortnite Arsenal: Chapter 4 Season 2 Bench Locations

Boost your chances of survival in Fortnite's Chapter 4 Season 2 by upgrading your weapons Locate Upgrade Benches scattered across the map and learn how to use them effectively

Acquiring the best weapons is crucial for players to succeed in Fortnite, as both offense and defense play a vital role in achieving a Victory Royale. While high-rarity weapons can be obtained through various means, upgrading lower-rarity weapons may be necessary for players who are having trouble with looting. To help gamers with this, we have put together a comprehensive guide that highlights the locations of Upgrade Benches on the battle royale map and provides step-by-step instructions on how to use them effectively.

Upgrade Bench Locations

Upgrade Your Fortnite Arsenal: Chapter 4 Season 2 Bench Locations


There are a total of 13 Upgrade Benches available in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2, strategically placed across the island for easy accessibility. These Upgrade Benches can be found in various locations including Crude Harbor landmark, Beep 'N Bounce landmark, Breakwater Bay, The Citadel, Anvil Square, Shattered Slabs, Slappy Shores, Hitches and Ditches landmark, Drift Ridge landmark, Frenzy Fields, Mega City, and Fallow Fuel landmark.

Upgrade Benches are typically located in enclosed areas such as garages or auto shops within named locations or landmarks. Players may need to explore these areas to locate an Upgrade Bench.

How To Use An Upgrade Bench

Upgrade Your Fortnite Arsenal: Chapter 4 Season 2 Bench Locations

Gamers can now easily boost the power of their weapons with the help of the Upgrade Bench. The process is quick and straightforward - all they need to do is select the desired weapon from their inventory, interact with the Upgrade Bench, and click on the "Upgrade" option. Using a combination of their ammo and gold bars, players can enhance their weapons and gain an advantage in combat.

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In preparation for the end of Chapter 4 Season 2, players can take advantage of the Upgrade Bench to spend their gold bars before they potentially reset with the start of the new season. The cost to upgrade a weapon increases based on its original rarity. For Week 12's quests, players are tasked with upgrading five weapons at an Upgrade Bench. To save on costs, players can fill their inventory with five Common rarity weapons and upgrade them all at the nearest Upgrade Bench. This method allows for quick completion of the quest while also leaving room for better upgrades in the future.

Fortnite is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.