Fortnite Fans Outraged as OG Items Receive Unexpected Nerf

Fortnite Fans Outraged as OG Items Receive Unexpected Nerf

Fortnite sparks outrage with nerf of two OG items from Chapter 1, as community calls foul on unexpected balance changes

Fortnite has recently made adjustments to two items that have been present since the game's first Chapter. Despite its official launch and exit from early access, Fortnite continues to receive updates and patches to maintain a balanced, fair, and enjoyable experience for both casual and competitive players. Given the game's massive popularity, there will always be differing opinions on certain changes.

With the introduction of the Ranked system, Epic Games also implemented some balance changes, such as reducing the material cap from 999 to 500. However, players can now harvest materials at a faster rate, and defeated enemies drop more materials. Epic Games closely monitors gameplay after each update and takes player feedback into consideration. Unfortunately, this latest change has not been well received by many players.

In the latest balance update, Epic Games implemented nerfs to two popular items in Fortnite - the Heavy Sniper and grenades. The Rare variant of the Heavy Sniper rifle now only inflicts 150 damage to structures, down from its previous 600 damage. However, the biggest gripe from the community was directed towards the changes made to grenades. The throwable explosive now only deals 75 damage to structures, compared to its previous 375 damage. Moreover, its damage to players has also been reduced from 100 to 40.

Despite not being a frequently used item, grenades were considered a high-risk, high-reward weapon in the early stages of the game. However, with these nerfs in place, players would need to use an entire stack of grenades to eliminate an enemy before they consume any shields, rendering them nearly useless. Fortnite players will now need to adapt their strategies and loadouts to accommodate these changes.

This latest change is just one of many controversial moves made by Epic Games in Fortnite. While attempting to prevent heal-offs, Epic instead angered the community with modifications to two late-game Storm Circles. Despite the abundance of healing and mobility items in the game, a more frequent storm won't dissuade players from healing up instead of battling once they reach the top ten. It merely forces them to move positions before building walls to block out enemies. Hopefully, Epic Games will listen to feedback from fans and revert the grenades' stats to their previous state. Fortnite is currently available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.