Unveiling the Secrets: The Power of Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon GO

Discover the captivating world of Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon GO! Unveiling a unique franchise mechanic, this hit mobile game takes players on an exhilarating journey Learn how these mystical portals work and encounter the enigmatic Ultra Beasts Get ready for an adventure like no other!
Since its launch in 2016, Pokemon GO has gained immense popularity and continues to expand. With the use of AR technology and GPS coordinates, players can capture, train, and battle Pokemon. Developer Niantic regularly updates the game by introducing new challenges, events, and additional creatures to collect. The most recent update, Hidden Gems, introduced Sandygast and Palossand to the Pokemon GO roster. Legendary creatures have always been a significant part of the Pokemon franchise, and Niantic ensures that fan favorites like MewTwo are included. Recently, a shadow version of Articuno has been added to 5-star raids, a creature often associated with Team GO Rocket's Giovanni. Now, it seems that Ultra Beasts are also making a return to Pokemon GO.
With the return of Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon GO, players now have a second opportunity to capture some exceptionally powerful Pokemon that they may have missed last summer. In this article, we will provide all the essential information about Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon GO.
What Are Ultra Wormholes?
Within the Pokemon game franchise, the concept of Ultra Wormholes was initially introduced in the Sun and Moon versions. These unstable portals, discovered by Professor Mohn, serve as a means to establish a connection between the Pokemon world and a distinct location called Ultra Space.
These portals are strongly linked to Cosmog, a mythical Pokemon that possesses the ability to unlock them, along with its ultimate forms, Solgaleo and Lunala. Ultra Wormholes play a vital role as they serve as a gateway for the entry of immensely powerful creatures known as Ultra Beasts into our world.
How do Ultra Wormholes Work in Pokemon GO?
Players can find Ultra Wormholes above gyms in Pokemon GO during special events when they are active. Instead of Eggs appearing before a Raid, an Ultra Wormhole will appear instead, indicating the emergence of an Ultra Beast after the countdown timer. It is not possible for players to determine which specific Ultra Beast will spawn, as they are usually associated with an ongoing event in the game. Therefore, players are advised to check official channels to see which Ultra Beasts are currently available for capture.
Ultra Beasts made their debut during the Pokemon GO Fest 2022 festivities, introducing a diverse range of creatures to the game. One notable addition was Guzzlord, an Ultra Beast with a dark/ghost typing, which joined Pokemon GO in a unique event called Greedy Gluttons a few months down the line.
What Are Ultra Beasts?
While more could still be added in the future, here is the current roster of added Ultra Beasts available in Pokemon GO:
Not available yet as of June 2023:
Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.