The Dark Side of Hidden Gems in Pokemon GO Season

Pokemon GO players are disappointed with the Hidden Gems season, as it appears to be featuring the same Pokemon as the previous season instead of introducing new spawns This has led to frustration and complaints among the player community
The recent launch of the Hidden Gems season on Pokemon GO by Niantic has left many players feeling disappointed and dissatisfied with what has been delivered. Despite the game having faced controversies in the past with its events, it seems that this season may have caused the most backlash from the community. Since its initial release in 2016, Pokemon GO has undergone frequent updates to attract players who may have stopped playing the game. These updates have included new features such as Gym and PvP battles, raid passes, and unique items with fresh mechanics. While the Hidden Gems season is expected to introduce new concepts and ideas over the next three months, some gamers have already given up on it out of frustration.
Many Pokemon GO fans are disappointed with the current season of Hidden Gems, as they are not experiencing the promised seasonal rotation spawns such as Aipom, Kadabra, and Galarian Zigzagoon. Instead, players are reporting the same spawns as the previous season, Rising Heroes, which included Bunellby and Yungoos. Despite the season kicking off on June 1, it is possible that some changes have not gone through, causing confusion among players. Additionally, Hidden Gems offers a daily special trade with the possibility of Candy XL for trainers over level 31, and new Raids including the introduction of Pokemon X and Y entry Carbink are also available according to the Pokemon GO June calendar.
It is possible that a technical glitch is causing a problem with the spawn rates of Pokemon GO during the initial days of Hidden Gems. Nonetheless, Niantic can resolve the issue promptly to ensure that players can enjoy the latest seasonal content instead of repeating the previous season's Pokedex offerings. While some Pokemon GO enthusiasts are dissatisfied with the current spawn rates of Hidden Gems, it remains unclear if other features of the season are also affected. Players can access Pokemon GO on Android and iOS platforms.