Unveiling the Profound Symbolism in God of War Ragnarok: An Epic Journey of Gods and Mortals

Unveiling the Profound Symbolism in God of War Ragnarok: An Epic Journey of Gods and Mortals

Discover the profound wisdom of God of War Ragnarok! Unveiling valuable life lessons through captivating parables and stories, this epic game offers a transformative journey like no other Prepare to be enlightened!


God of War Ragnarok features meaningful dialog and character writing, with tragic characters, godly conflicts, and recontextualized myths and fables.

The game incorporates parables to impart lessons to both the protagonists and the player, showcasing certain narratives that underscore the perils associated with prophecies and the deceitfulness of authoritative figures.

A recurring motif in the game revolves around the significance of a thing's essence, emphasizing how a person's intentions hold greater importance than societal norms or one's predetermined fate.

God of War Ragnarok is a game that prioritizes a touching and meaningful narrative. It has a wealth of impactful dialogue and well-crafted character development. The game delves into tragic figures, cosmic conflicts, and clever adaptations of Norse and Greek myths and legends. Many of these stories take the form of parables narrated by the game's main characters. Some are showcased through cutscenes, while others are shared in brief anecdotes during gameplay. Regardless of their length, these tales offer valuable wisdom and bear relevance to the game's overarching themes and plot. The protagonists and players alike can learn important lessons from these straightforward yet powerful narratives. Among the extensive collection of profound and captivating tales, a few stand out as particularly poignant.

Mimir's Witch Story Highlights the Dangers of Prophecies

Unveiling the Profound Symbolism in God of War Ragnarok: An Epic Journey of Gods and Mortals

God of War Ragnarok explores the theme of rejecting fate and leaving the past behind. This is depicted through various stories centered around prophecies and their problematic nature. Mimir shares one such story in response to Atreus' inquiry about the specifics of the Ragnarok prophecy. Mimir recounts a tale from his homeland, where a group of witches aimed to destabilize the government. To make their prophecy more convincing, they manipulated an influential thane by sharing stories of his rise to power and including certain accurate details.

The aftermath of this manipulation unfolds as a violent narrative within God of War Ragnarok. The thane becomes enchanted by the enticing prophecy, leading him to commit regicide and betray his kin, resulting in a trail of death and destruction. Ultimately, the witches exploit the prophecy to convince the thane that he is invincible, which eventually leads to his demise in battle.

Brok's Lesson About Form and Nature is a Microcosm of the God of War Story

The fallacy of prophetic certainty and the manipulation of narratives by those in power are poignantly explored in this tale. The witches possessed a certain level of foresight, and remarkably, several of their prophecies proved to be true. However, these cunning individuals deliberately distorted and revised the narrative to suit their ulterior motives. This parable serves as a poignant reminder of how authoritative figures can slyly deceive those they deem inferior—an intriguing reflection of the surprising deviations that the God of War Ragnarok perpetuates in relation to divine beings.

Unveiling the Profound Symbolism in God of War Ragnarok: An Epic Journey of Gods and Mortals

The given fragment could be seen as a metaphorical representation rather than a parable, but it holds a profound and meaningful essence as a storytelling device. During their journey to acquire the Draupnir Spear, Kratos and Brok reach Svartfheim where Brok imparts a brief lesson on Dwarven magic. He elucidates that Dwarven magic revolves around the intangible aspects, encompassing an intricate relationship between the physical and metaphysical realms. In a succinct and elegant manner, he emphasizes that the essence of a thing holds greater importance than its physical form.

The message of the game, God of War Ragnarok, is reincorporated multiple times, both directly and indirectly. It explores the idea that a person's soul and intentions hold more significance than the societal roles forced upon them. Kratos, for instance, is perceived by gods like Odin as a bloodthirsty killing machine, yet he rejects that image and chooses to embody love and compassion instead. In doing so, he transcends the expectations set by his upbringing and those around him, transforming into a benevolent god of war.

The mini stories in God of War Ragnarok go beyond being mere fillers. They purposefully highlight the game's themes and messages, imparting important lessons to players. While it remains uncertain how the supporting cast in the upcoming game will be portrayed, it is hoped that they will also provide wise insights.

God of War Ragnarok is available now for PS4 and PS5.