Unveiling the Potential: Discover Why DC Should Reexplore Smallville!

Unveiling the Potential: Discover Why DC Should Reexplore Smallville!

Exploring the relevance of Smallville and its impact on the Superman legacy, returning to the beloved universe with Tom Welling could provide a compelling answer to a crucial question

Smallville, the groundbreaking live-action series, has paved the way for all subsequent superhero television shows. Its enduring popularity presents a prime opportunity for the DCU to capitalize on the character of Superman. By returning to the Smallville universe in live-action form, the story could delve into the exploration and explanation of how Tom Welling's Clark Kent lost his powers and shed light on the fate of his blossoming new family.

In a notable and highly anticipated cameo appearance, Tom Welling reprised his role in the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths. While one might assume that Clark Kent's loss of powers, after ten seasons of presenting him as Superman, would quell the fan requests for Tom Welling's return as Superman/Clark Kent, it has instead sparked even more speculation. Fans now eagerly contemplate the potential return of an older Clark Kent and his superhuman children, who could continue the captivating coming-of-age Superman journey.

Why Smallville Still Matters

Unveiling the Potential: Discover Why DC Should Reexplore Smallville!

Most live-action superhero stories often overlook the journey of the characters during their high school years before they become the beloved heroes. Smallville, however, took a different approach by immersing Superman in the everyday life of a teenage Clark Kent. This allowed fans to witness the young Man of Steel before he put on his iconic costume, as he learned to harness his powers and navigated the challenges of high school. This unique coming-of-age story for a superhero is rarely seen in popular media. Smallville succeeded in portraying a more relatable and human side of Superman, something that no other film or show had achieved. By focusing on Clark's personal growth and his desire for a normal life, the series gave his journey a deeper and more profound meaning. Although the latter half of the series shifted towards the typical superhero narrative of good versus evil with the introduction of powerful villains, the initial focus on Clark's search for identity and purpose remained impactful.

How Smallville Can Continue The Teen Superman Journey

Unveiling the Potential: Discover Why DC Should Reexplore Smallville!

The animated Smallville series is currently in production, but a live-action coming-of-age Superman could also continue, focusing on Clark Kent's children. After giving up his powers to live a normal human life, Clark, played by Tom Welling, starts a family with Lois Lane, a reporter. A spinoff of the series could follow the new Kent siblings as they learn to develop their powers and find their own identities. Clark's children could portray various versions of Superboy and Supergirl, but introducing the most recent version of Clark's bisexual son Jonathan Kent could be a great way to increase LGBTQ representation in the DCU.

Jonathan Kent's story would offer a unique perspective on the coming-of-age Superman narrative and help explain how Clark lost his powers. Balancing his parents' well-known identities as reporters and his father's past as a hero, while also discovering his own identity and facing the challenges that come with being a member of the queer community, would make for a captivating and relevant storyline. Additionally, bringing back Tom Welling and Erica Durance to reprise their roles in Smallville would be a delightful treat for fans. It's hard to imagine a Smallville universe without Superman. The conflict between Clark and Jonathan as they navigate their ideals about having powers and how to use them responsibly would provide an interesting dynamic, setting it apart from the Jonathan Kent storyline in Superman & Lois. Clark's knowledge of kryptonite could also lead to unique parenting tactics, like grounding Jonathan by making him wear blue kryptonite. However, it may prove challenging to restrict someone with super-speed and superstrength, as Smallville has occasionally shown.

Additionally, there is potential for another captivating Supergirl storyline. In the comic books, Clark Kent's Superman legacy is beautifully represented by his numerous daughters who possess powers that rival those of Superman, even as children. One such character is Ariella Kent, who possesses immense untapped potential. While conflicts and complexities within superhuman families have been explored onscreen before, what would make this potential Smallville spinoff unique is its exploration of the meaning of humanity, heroism, and the pursuit of becoming the next Superman.

If Tom Welling is willing to reprise his role as an older Superman/Clark Kent, a live-action Smallville spinoff could be a promising option. It inhabits a distinct universe from the DCU Superman and the Arrowverse's Superboy, allowing for an unconventional story centered around a young Superman or Supergirl, or perhaps even both. With superhero enthusiasts now accustomed to the presence of multiple versions of their beloved characters across different mediums, they can easily navigate through the onscreen multiverse. Therefore, continuing the live-action journey of a different teenage Superman could satisfy fans as they eagerly anticipate the next DCU Superman.