Unveiling the Immersive World of Avowed's Aedyr Empire - Secrets, Power, and Epic Quests

Unveiling the Immersive World of Avowed's Aedyr Empire - Secrets, Power, and Epic Quests

Discover the enigmatic Aedyr Empire in the captivating world of Avowed and Pillars of Eternity Unveiling a greater significance in the upcoming fantasy RPG, this ancient empire's role remains integral throughout the immersive Pillars of Eternity games


The gameplay trailer for Avowed showcases the protagonist as an agent representing the esteemed Aedyr Empire, a dominant force within the game's fantastical realm.

As a hereditary monarchy devoted to the worship of the goddess Woedica, the Aedyr Empire commands undeniable power and influence in this mystical world, although its reach and impact in PoE were somewhat limited.

The Aedyr Empire's presence in the Pillars of Eternity games was insignificant, but in Avowed, it will play a prominent and crucial role in the storyline. Obsidian Entertainment announced Avowed, its new fantasy project, in 2020. Despite limited details initially, it was evident that the game would be set in the same world as the Pillars of Eternity games. Yet, until recently, the specific narrative role that players would assume in Avowed remained uncertain.

What is the Aedyr Empire in the World of Avowed and Pillars of Eternity?

Avowed's initial gameplay trailer at long last provided gamers with a more comprehensive understanding of the events unfolding in the eagerly anticipated fantasy video game. In particular, it divulged the principal narrative and the pivotal role that players would assume within its captivating realm. Players would embody the character of an agent hailing from the revered Aedyr Empire, a formidable government charged with investigating a distressing epidemic encompassing the very essence of souls within one of the world's frigid northern territories. Naturally, this left gamers pondering the nature and grandeur of this empire nestled within the realms of fantasy.

Unveiling the Immersive World of Avowed's Aedyr Empire - Secrets, Power, and Epic Quests

The Aedyr Empire first appears in the original Pillars of Eternity game. Within the fantasy genre, it is common to have a dominant empire, revered by the world. For instance, the Tevinter Imperium in Dragon Age and the Empire of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls series. These empires typically possess unparalleled strength and influence, capable of vanquishing any adversary they encounter. The Aedyr Empire closely aligns with this archetype within the Pillars of Eternity universe.

The Aedyr Empire, located in a tropical region, stands out for its unique characteristics. Governed by a hereditary monarchy and mainly devoted to the goddess Woedica, who portrayed an unseen antagonist in the first Pillars of Eternity, the empire extends near the equator and boasts colonies scattered worldwide. With a population of over 13.5 million, predominantly consisting of humans and elves, the empire also embraces a notable aumaua community. Notably, a member of this race assumed the role of narrator in Avowed's gameplay trailer. Despite its perceived strength, there are signs indicating a potential decline in the empire's power and influence.

The Aedyr Empire's Role In the Pillars of Eternity Games

Unveiling the Immersive World of Avowed's Aedyr Empire - Secrets, Power, and Epic Quests

To fully grasp the narrative of Avowed, fans will likely need to experience the Pillars of Eternity games. The initial installment is set in the Dyrwood, once a prized colony of the Empire. Over time, conflicts arose, leading to the formation of The Free Palatinate of Dyrwood, breaking away from the Aedyr Empire's rule. While the empire is mentioned throughout the game, its actual presence within the main storyline is limited.

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, like other games by Obsidian Entertainment, features various factions that players must interact with. The decisions made by the player impact the fate of these groups. However, the Aedyr Empire is strangely absent, and the reason for this is unclear. Some speculate that the Empire might have deemed it too costly to maintain control over regions like the Dyrwood. Others believe that the region lacked the resources that the Empire desired, leading to a lack of interest. Avowed will be the first game in which the Empire plays a direct role within this universe. Although Avowed's setting, Living Lands, is technically not part of the Aedyr Empire, the gameplay trailer suggests that its presence is widely known. The extent of the empire's influence in this territory is still unknown. Nevertheless, it is evident that the Empire holds a significant presence in this world and is expected to do so for the foreseeable future.

Avowed releases in 2024 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.