Unveiling the Hidden Hydro Phantasm Locations in Genshin Impact
Discover the mystifying Hydro Phantasm locations in the enchanting world of Genshin Impact From the ethereal Northeast of Romaritime Harbor to the legendary Court of Fontaine, embark on a thrilling quest to uncover these tainted beings
Regrettably, Genshin Impact lacks a substantial number of Hydro Phantasm adversaries. Following the catastrophic event, peculiar manifestations of water emerged that lacked the Oceanid's allure and grace, thus earning the designation of being tainted.
Typically, tainted Hydro Phantasms can be observed guarding a chest in Genshin Impact, accompanied by either another Hydro Phantasm or a cluster of Hydro Slimes. The Hydro creature yields a Drop of Tainted Water, a Scoop of Tainted Water, and a Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm. The likelihood of obtaining all three enemy drops increases with a higher World Level. As they are classified as Elite enemies, they are scarce on the map, and their drops serve solely as materials for ascending weapons.
Hydro Phantasm Locations In Genshin Impact
Northeast Of Romaritime Harbor
In Genshin Impact, there are a total of 18 Tainted Hydro Phantasms, two of which are renowned for their formidable strength. While the majority of these Hydro Phantasms are not located close to one another, players can discover a considerable group of enemies spread across the Court of Fontaine.
Proceed to the northern region of the Sin Domain in Genshin Impact and eliminate the Tainted Hydro Phantasm. Subsequently, navigate your way to the eastern island by swimming, where you will encounter two Hydro Phantasms diligently safeguarding a chest in Genshin Impact.
North Of Elynas
Head north from Elynas Waypoint towards the Condessence Crystals to encounter a Hydro Phantasm and several Slimes.
Afterwards, Travelers can teleport to the Waypoint located east of Elynas and proceed south to confront two Hydro Phantasms.
The next opponent encountered in the northern region of the island is known as Ninianne of the Lake, the formidable Rift-Subduing Lake Spirit. While resembling the typical Hydro Phantasms, this adversary possesses significantly heightened power, boasting a larger pool of HP and unleashing lethal attacks. Therefore, it is essential to select appropriate characters and allies in Genshin Impact, such as shielders like Zhongli or healers like Bennett, to effectively combat this formidable foe.
West Slope Of Mont Automnequi
Head over to the West Slope of Mont Automnequi and make use of fast travel to reach the Waypoint. From there, descend towards the west slope where you will come across a Tainted Hydro Phantasm and a Hydro Slime in the game Genshin Impact. Keep moving in the southwest direction while following the dirt path until you encounter two Hydro Phantasms along the shore.
Near The Court Of Fontaine
Head to the western Waypoint near the Court of Fontaine in Genshin Impact and make your way southwest towards the beach to encounter a Hydro Phantasm. This creature is just one of the several Tainted Hydro enemies found in the northern region of the Court of Fontaine. It also happens to be the second local legend.
Continue in the same path to come across two additional adversaries that are protecting a Magnificent Chest. Travel to the Waypoint nearby the Echoes of the Deep Tides Domain and head towards the northwest to locate Vivianne of the Lake, a Lake Spirit that subdues rifts. The folklore surrounding this entity bears resemblance to that of Ninianne, thus players are advised to apply similar strategies. It is recommended to assemble a proficient team in Genshin Impact in order to swiftly overcome this challenge.
Continue southeast towards the next Tainted Hydro Phantasm and take care of it.
Now, Travelers may either swim above water or underwater northeast to reach two Tainted Hydro Phantasms.
Finally, continue southeast to see the final Hydro Phantasm along the shore above Marcotte Station.
Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.