Unveiling the Game-Changing Cybernetics in Cyberpunk 2077: A Monumental Leap Forward in Gaming

Unveiling the Game-Changing Cybernetics in Cyberpunk 2077: A Monumental Leap Forward in Gaming

Discover how Cyberpunk 2077's groundbreaking Phantom Liberty Cybernetics revolutionize the genre, setting a new standard for cyberpunk games with its innovative system


Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion introduces new limitations to the cybernetics system, making it more balanced and comparable to other cyberpunk games.

In Cyberpunk 2077, the cyberware system has implemented restrictions on the amount of cyberware a character can possess, imposing penalties for surpassing this limit. Similar elements can be found in games such as Shadowrun Returns and Deus Ex, each having their own distinct set of rules and limitations. In Shadowrun Returns, upgrades are connected to trans-humanist themes, whereas Deus Ex grants the player more flexibility with open-ended augmentations.

Cybernetics are closely intertwined with the cyberpunk genre, as it commonly portrays individuals enhancing themselves and their bodies. Cyberpunk 2077 follows this trend, featuring characters who replace significant portions of their body with mechanically superior limbs and organs. Players can access these augmentations to acquire new attacks and improve their statistics.

Similar to other cyberpunk RPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 incorporates cybernetics into its upgrade system, although each game has its own set of rules. Initially, the game had minimal restrictions, allowing players to become incredibly powerful killing machines. However, the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion will introduce new limitations, aiming to create a more balanced gameplay experience. This change facilitates easier comparison between Cyberpunk 2077 and other games, as it is no longer a straightforward upgrade system.

How Other Cyberpunk Games Handle Cybernetics

Unveiling the Game-Changing Cybernetics in Cyberpunk 2077: A Monumental Leap Forward in Gaming

Cyberpunk 2077 stands out for its unique approach to cybernetics, making it interesting to compare how both systems operate. In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, there are limitations on the amount of cyberware V can have at a time. While this restriction can be bypassed, doing so comes with significant drawbacks as it impairs V's abilities.

Revamping the cyberware system is part of Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty's mission to address issues from the game's initial release. This update aims to improve the game's balance and bring it more in line with other cyberpunk titles that also impose strict limitations on cybernetics.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty's cyberware can best be compared to Shadowrun Returns, another game that also brings a tabletop RPG into the digital world. However, Shadowrun Returns aims to stay true to its source material while Cyberpunk 2077 offers a distinct approach. Known as cyberware, these enhancements come with a significant trade-off as they diminish a character's Essence stat.

In contrast to the Cyberpunk tabletop game, where Humanity is the relevant stat, Essence in Shadowrun Returns plays a more prominent role, especially when it comes to magical abilities. The chosen class in Shadowrun determines the practicality of using cyberware. Physical-focused classes like Street Samurai and tech-oriented ones like Deckers and Riggers can easily integrate augmentations into their playstyle. However, Mages and Shamans are significantly disadvantaged as their magical abilities become weaker, even with a few augmentations. Playing as a Physical Adept is also challenging, as it combines the strengths of a Street Samurai and a Mage, demanding a delicate balance between physical prowess and the usefulness of spells.

Deus Ex is a well-known cyberpunk RPG that immediately immerses players into a world of augmentation. In the prequel games, the protagonist Adam Jensen displays obvious artificial replacements for his eyes and limbs, while JC Denton in the first title showcases more subtle enhancements. Referred to as augmentations in this series, these enhancements play a crucial role in explaining the considerable strength of both protagonists.

Furthermore, the later Deus Ex games offer a remarkable level of freedom when it comes to character upgrades. Players acquire sufficient Praxis Points throughout the game, allowing them to leisurely complete various skill trees. Unlike Cyberpunk or Shadowrun, where statistics and perks are separate from cyberware, Jensen's augmentations in Deus Ex provide all the perks necessary for character progression.

Among video games featuring this type of system, Shadowrun is widely regarded as the most adept at intertwining these potential enhancements with the frequently encountered trans-humanist themes in cyberpunk. This is primarily due to its direct impact on one's interaction with the magical elements within the game universe. Although the downsides may be less noticeable, it is hoped that the novel system in Cyberpunk 2077 will provide a gratifying gameplay experience and empower players to shape their own character.

Scheduled for release on September 26, Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty will be available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.