Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Master the thrilling quests of Final Fantasy 16 with our comprehensive walkthrough! Uncover the secrets of Tabor, Kanver, and the Merchant's District, and learn how to defeat the formidable Sleipnir Get ready for an epic gaming journey!

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Go to Tabor

Go to Kanver

Go to the Merchant's District

How to Beat Sleipnir

After assisting their allies throughout the realm in the previous main scenario quest of Final Fantasy 16, Clive and his companions find themselves facing a new wave of challenges. The Free Cities of Kanver are currently under siege, and a number of Clive's allies are trapped in a warehouse. With the help of his brother, Joshua, Clive embarks on a mission to locate Mid, Byron, and Gav before it becomes too late to rescue them.

To provide a seamless experience, the relatively short main scenario quest "Cloak and Dagger" has been combined with the subsequent quest "Evenfall", which offers a significant amount of combat. Players can anticipate an action-packed journey as they delve into the next series of main scenario quests in Final Fantasy 16.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

Go to Tabor

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Embark on the main scenario quest by heading south towards the Krozjit Echoes. Along the way, a red waypoint will guide you to a destination even further south within this region. As you navigate through the ancient ruins, you will encounter aggressive Fallen constructs. Overcome them and continue your journey.

While en route, players will encounter an NPC who presents them with an optional mission called "Bad Blood". This side quest does not unlock any exclusive rewards, so players can choose to overlook it and concentrate on the main storyline. Upon arrival at Tabor, head to the right towards a small house where Jote can be found. This house is situated right beside an obelisk that allows for fast travel in this area. Upon opening the door, a series of cutscenes will be triggered.

Go to Kanver

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

After the completion of the cutscenes, players will once again find themselves outside. In this area, there is a vendor from whom players can conveniently purchase supplies, alongside a range of captivating side quests. To proceed with the story, it is advised to head towards the southeast, in the direction of the illustrious Gilded Path. Departing from Tabor will immediately trigger a short yet impactful cutscene. Once this captivating scene concludes, continue onward towards the mesmerizing Free Cities of Kanver.

Go to the Merchant's District

Along their journey, players will encounter various bands of orcs. However, these adversaries pose no significant challenge, allowing players to easily emerge victorious. Just a short distance from Kanver lies yet another obelisk, which, upon nearing it, triggers an engaging cutscene. Subsequently, the world map becomes accessible, granting players entry to the Free Cities of Kanver. Following a series of captivating cutscenes, the subsequent primary mission, "Evenfall", will commence.

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Despite the significant downfall of Kanver, multiple groups of survivors require immediate assistance. Proceed along the road and veer to the right, engaging in combat encounters with a few enemy clusters. Ascend the stairs and progress towards yet another group of adversaries. Collect the three blood-soaked hides located adjacent to the gate, then proceed through it to propel the storyline.

Continue progressing through the streets of Kanver, obliterating any adversaries encountered along the way. Upon arrival at a courtyard, Final Fantasy 16 players will engage in a fierce encounter with an Orc Warlord. This formidable enemy inflicts heavy blows, but can be triumphed over by deftly evading its assaults and exploiting moments of vulnerability. Following the intense confrontation, proceed towards the gate and unlock it. Don't forget to seize the High Potion on the left and open the chest on the right. As players step into a vast courtyard, it is imperative to restore health and get ready for upcoming battles.

How to Beat Sleipnir

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

A number of groups comprising weak enemies will appear. Overcome them to initiate a cutscene followed by a showdown with Harbard, also known as Sleipnir in this battle. Harbard, the boss, possesses remarkable speed, frequently teleporting throughout the arena, especially when players engage in melee combat. Consequently, it proves challenging to successfully strike Sleipnir with more than a few blows before he swiftly teleports away and launches his offensive assault.

Dodge as much as you can, then swiftly land a few strikes before he teleports once more. When Sleipnir reaches 75% health, he will cease holding back, triggering a Cinematic Evasion sequence. During this phase, Sleipnir will unleash attacks in which he shoots a line of energy at the players. It is crucial to dodge these attacks, as they can inflict significant damage.

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Upon reaching below 50% health, Sleipnir will unleash its powerful ability known as Dead Man's Bier. To avoid sustaining damage, it is crucial for players to swiftly maneuver away from the ominous red circles that materialize on the ground. Moreover, players must display dexterity to evade the relentless onslaught of circles and lines that are shot forth during this assault. Once this deadly onslaught subsides, Sleipnir momentarily pauses to regain its breath. Use this opportune moment to unleash a flurry of attacks upon the mighty creature.

Unveiling the Epic Journey: Mastering Final Fantasy 16's Enigmatic Secrets

Once Sleipnir's health reaches 25%, he intensifies his attack patterns, unleashing Creeping Darkness, a relentless onslaught of dark projectiles that converge and detonate. Maintain agility to evade these assaults while continuously attacking Sleipnir until victory is achieved. Following Sleipnir's defeat, a series of cinematic sequences ensue, concluding the current main scenario quest.

PlayStation 5 users can now enjoy the thrilling adventure of Final Fantasy 16.