Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

Unveil the hidden wonders of Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass! Embark on a thrilling adventure to discover the secrets of the Blood of Lathander, encounter the formidable Guardian of Faith, encounter the enigmatic Unborn Githyanki, and stumble upon the amusing sight of drunken Kobolds hidden within barrels Don't miss out on these captivating details!

Baldur's Gate 3 is a captivating isometric RPG that immerses players in the rich world of Faerun. With its detailed and elaborate setting, players are drawn into a journey of exploration.

Located between Act One and Act Two, the Mountain Pass often goes unnoticed or hastily passed by as players strive to advance the storyline. While there is a strong incentive to explore the entire Underdark, players primarily visit the mountain pass for the Githyanki Crèche and may not pay attention to the finer details. Here are several hidden gems that most players are likely to have missed while traversing the Mountain Pass.

1 The Blood Of Lathander

Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

The Crèche, an old and deserted monastery overtaken by the Gith, conceals a multitude of memories and secrets from its previous inhabitants. Amongst these hidden treasures lies The Blood Of Lathander, a formidable weapon guarded closely and made accessible only through the resolution of a complex puzzle.

To obtain this renowned weapon, venture to the second floor of the monastery and seek out a hexagonal chamber. Within the room, notice a shattered stained-glass feature on the floor, holding the key to unravelling the puzzle. Each figure depicted in the stained-glass either holds a weapon or possesses characteristics that provide clues to identify a specific weapon. Adjacent to the figures stand four pedestals, perfectly aligned with the arrangement of the stained-glass counterparts. These pedestals bear plaques disclosing information that players can peruse in order to deduce the correct placement of the weapons.

In order to solve the puzzle, players must find four essential weapons:

The first weapon, the Ceremonial Longsword, can be found in the altar room where the puzzle is located. It needs to be carefully placed on the altar of Dawnmaster Welkinglory.

Players can obtain the Ceremonial Mace by defeating a drunken kobold on the first floor and looting it. They should then place it on the altar of Dawnmaster Stockhold.

The Ceremonial Battleaxe can be found by defeating the guardian of faith on the second floor. Once acquired, players should place it on the altar of Dawnmaster Vaseid.

The Ceremonial Warhammer can be found atop the monastery in the eagles nest. However, the eagles will attack anyone who tries to approach it, meaning players must find a clever solution or defeat them in battle to obtain it. Once obtained, the Warhammer must be placed on the altar of Dawnmaster Seed.

Upon successfully solving the puzzle, a hidden panel will open, revealing a pouch that grants the party the Morninglord's Radiance condition.

After defeating the Githyanki inquisitor in the lower section of the monastery, players are granted freedom to explore the area. Inside an alcove on the left, two statues await discovery. One should be rotated to the west (facing the sunrise) while the other should be turned to the east (facing the sunset). If one of the statues remains immovable, a simple strike or the application of a bottle of grease will resolve the issue.

Upon entering, players will need to disable traps and navigate carefully to reach the end of the corridor and obtain The Blood of Lathander. This fabled mace will greatly facilitate traversing the Shadow-Cursed lands.

2 Guardian Of Faith

Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

As previously mentioned, there is a hidden guardian of faith within the monastery on the second floor. This spell is available to all clerics in the game, regardless of their domain. When cast, it acts as an area-of-effect spell that attacks any hostile creatures within its range. While players attempting to solve the puzzle from the previous entry will encounter this specter, there is more to this situation than initially meets the eye.

It is clear that the guardian of faith was summoned to protect individuals who were confined in the room. However, upon entering, players will discover a pile of bones. It is unlikely that a hostile creature could have entered the room without triggering the guardian of faith. It appears that the guardian remained unactivated until the characters arrived. This unfortunate discovery leads players to the conclusion that the people in the room perished from starvation, unable to access the outside world or escape.

3 The Unborn Githyanki

Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

Upon approaching the monastery, players may encounter a woman employed by the Society of Brilliance. Her mission is to acquire a Gith egg, though she appears uninterested in the task. However, her curiosity has stirred up the Githyanki, who take offense at her attempt to negotiate the trade of one of their offspring.

There are several approaches the players can take in response. Firstly, they can choose to accept and fulfill the assignment. They might convince the Crèche caretaker to willingly hand over the egg, or resort to force or theft. Alternatively, players can offer the woman an owlbear egg instead, convincing her superiors that it is a Gith egg. Given her initial disinterest, she would likely accept this if the character successfully persuades her. Lastly, the players have the option to refuse assistance, denouncing the entire situation as morally objectionable. This rejection will lead to a confrontation with the woman.

Upon conversing with the caretaker responsible for the Gith eggs, players will be informed that a single egg remains unhatched. Although the caretaker desires to allow more time for its development, there is a concern that if the egg fails to hatch soon, it might be designated for destruction. This knowledge can be utilized as leverage to persuade the caretaker to relinquish the egg to the players. However, accomplishing this will necessitate a thorough examination, and if successful, the characters will attain a Githyanki egg. Subsequently, they possess the choice to either present it to the woman who made the request or keep it as initially agreed upon with the caretaker.

4 Drunk Kobolds In Barrels

Unveiling the Enigma: Unearth 5 Hidden Gems in Baldur's Gate 3's Mountain Pass

While combat can be circumvented with these diminutive creatures, it becomes inevitable for players aspiring to solve the puzzle upon their initial attempt. Engaged in an altercation within this chamber or stealthily maneuvering through, players will discern peculiar sounds emanating from select barrels scattered throughout the room. Should these barrels be forcibly accessed during the encounter, players will bear witness to intoxicated kobolds residing within them.

Players have the freedom to manipulate these small characters in various ways. They can choose to keep the entire barrel for future use, utilize them as charming decor at their camp, or employ them as a surprising element during combat. On the other hand, players also have the option to let these characters enjoy their indulgent lives undisturbed.

Baldur's Gate 3 can be played on PC, Mac, and PS5.