Unveiling the Elusive Miri in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide
In Baldur's Gate 3, after rescuing Banryn from a fire, players embark on a quest to find his beloved wife, Miri However, the game does not provide clear instructions on her location
In Baldur's Gate 3, gamers will be on the lookout for several missing individuals. Locating all of them during one playthrough will prove to be an arduous undertaking, as some of these individuals can only be found with precise timing and perhaps even some good fortune.
One of the missing persons is Benryn, a resident of Baldur's Gate 3, who desperately seeks assistance in finding his beloved wife, Mirileth, whom he affectionately refers to as 'Miri.' With no specific details provided and considering the recent fire and attack, there are numerous possible locations where she could be. Fortunately, those who possess the knowledge of where to search won't have to travel great distances.
This article divulges consequences within the game and reveals information the player's character may not know. Gamers committed to role-playing may wish to stop reading and find these things out for themselves.
Miri Location
Discover the Revealed Consequences: Unveiling Information Unknown to Your CharacterOnce the players have successfully rescued the individuals in peril from the raging fire, they should approach Benryn who will urgently request their assistance in locating Miri. Directing their attention towards the courtyard, they need to enter the house situated on the left-hand side (specifically, the western side). It is worth noting that although this particular structure shares a connection with the burning building, it remains unscathed by the flames.
Head up the stairs to find Mirileth in the center of the room. Unfortunately, she was killed during the invasion. She is already dead by the time the player arrives, so there's no need to reload the game after saving.
Afterwards, return to Benryn and deliver the unfortunate news. He will then go back upstairs to see Mirileth's lifeless body himself. Use the Speak with Dead spell on Mirileth to receive another quest. Although finding the Dowry won't erase the pain, it will bring some peace of mind to Benryn. Of course, this is only if the player is aligned with good and chooses to return the chest to him. Alternatively, evil characters can take a final jab at Benryn by keeping the chest for themselves.
Baldur's Gate 3 is currently in Early Access on PC, with a release date of August 3rd, 2023. The game will also be available on PlayStation 5 starting from September 6th, 2023. An Xbox Series X/S version is currently under development.