Unveiling the Dark Secrets: Destiny 2 Players Enraged by Season of the Witch Storyline

Unveiling the Dark Secrets: Destiny 2 Players Enraged by Season of the Witch Storyline

Destiny 2 players face a critical problem during a crucial moment in the Season of the Witch storyline, raising concerns and impacting the overall narrative experience


The distinctive gameplay elements and captivating storyline of Destiny 2's Season of the Witch have left players impressed. However, disappointment arises among some due to its sudden conclusion and the implementation of off-screen storytelling methods.

Many players have expressed dissatisfaction with the way important story moments are conveyed through lore tabs or off-screen, leaving them feeling unsatisfied with the overall seasonal narrative. This has led to speculation about why the storytelling approach is being used, with some suggesting potential reasons such as the scarcity of Guardian dialogue in cutscenes and the possibility of model changes for Eris Morn.

Destiny 2's Season of the Witch has reached a crucial point in its storyline, causing players to observe that Bungie has once again resorted to one of its more controversial methods of storytelling. So far, this season has been well-received by players due to its unique gameplay features such as the ability to use cards to modify gameplay through a deckbuilding system, as well as activities like the Altars of Summoning, which challenge players with various enemies and objectives.

In Season of the Witch, the story focuses on Eris Morn and her use of Hive abilities to become a God of Vengeance. Players aid Eris in gaining power in an attempt to confront Xivu Arath, the current Hive God of War, by participating in rituals and defeating enemies. With each passing week, Eris becomes stronger, but there is a risk of her being trapped in her Hive-like state forever, losing her humanity in the process. Week 7 further explores this narrative, but players have noticed that the story ends abruptly and Bungie has reintroduced one of its infamous storytelling techniques.

New threads have emerged on the Destiny subReddit with players expressing their dissatisfaction regarding the abrupt ending of this week's storyline for Season of the Witch. One user, named DaLawrence, even believed that they accidentally skipped a crucial scene by pressing a button, only to realize that the weekly quest was already completed and the latest lore page for Rites of Passage was given out. These lore details are deemed significant for the season and should have been addressed in a cutscene, according to popular opinion in the comments. As a result, many speculate about Bungie's decision to take this less satisfying approach. Warning: spoilers ahead for the Season of the Witch storyline.

Speculations arose regarding the story being omitted from the screen due to the rare occurrence of the Guardian speaking in cutscenes throughout Destiny 2's existence. Another theory suggested a budget constraint relating to a necessary change in Eris Morn's appearance, as the lore book indicated her eyes being uncovered, requiring a complete transformation in-game.

Irrespective of these speculations, the majority of the fan base expresses dissatisfaction with the conclusion of this week's events. Numerous individuals have taken to social media platforms to voice their opinions on Bungie's persistent tendency to unveil significant story moments off-screen. Such storytelling approach is not unfamiliar to Bungie or the Destiny 2 franchise, as numerous significant moments have been undermined by their revelation through lore or absence from the screen entirely. Notably, the demise of Sagira, Osiris' ghost, stands as one of the pivotal moments in Destiny 2 that subsequently influenced important events surrounding the emergence of Savathun and her subsequent actions in the Witch Queen expansion.

Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.