Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

Uncover the captivating lore of Destiny 2's Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon, delving into the intricate relationship between the powerful Hive God of War, Xivu Arath, and her enigmatic brother, Oryx the Taken King

Destiny 2's Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon transports players to the captivating and immersive world of Titan, the recently reappeared moon. Deputy Commander Sloane's return alongside Titan sets the stage for the Season of the Deep, bringing back the iconic Arcology location and introducing new and familiar elements of Destiny 2 lore. While the focus is primarily on the thrilling encounters with the Hive God of War, Xivu Arath, the Dungeon also delves into the captivating mythology surrounding Oryx, the Taken King, her brother.

Following the momentous victory over Oryx in the King's Fall Raid, his petrified remains were believed to be situated within Saturn's orbit, specifically on his formidable Dreadnaught. However, Titan, along with Io, Mercury, and Mars, mysteriously vanished after the arrival of the ominous Black Fleet in the system. Now, Titan's reappearance follows intense battles waged against The Witness and the Black Fleet around Neptune and Earth, culminating in Xivu Arath's long-awaited entrance into the game.

Xivu Arath in Season of the Deep

Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

In previous Seasons of Destiny 2, Xivu Arath, a prominent figure in Destiny lore, has utilized her forces to achieve various goals. One notable instance was during the Season of the Hunt, when her forces killed Sagira, the Ghost of Osiris. Similarly, in the Season of the Lost, she attacked the Dreaming City while the exorcism of Savathun's Worm was taking place. Additionally, in the Season of the Seraph, she sought to utilize Rasputin and the Warsat Network in a ritual to bring her legions to Earth on behalf of The Witness.

However, it is in the Season of the Deep that players directly encounter Xivu Arath for the first time in Destiny 2. This marks her debut in the series, and her presence is felt by Guardians, Deputy Commander Sloane, and even the Drifter, who hear her voice. Sloane, who has returned with the moon Titan, finds herself partially Taken but actively resists the will of Xivu Arath. Meanwhile, Xivu Arath leads Hive and Taken forces in their efforts to prevent Guardians and Sloane from uncovering the origins of The Witness through the proto-Worm, Ahsa.

While the true nature of Ahsa and her connection to The Witness' origins in Destiny 2 have yet to be fully unveiled, Sloane has discovered that Ahsa belongs to the species that eventually transformed into the Worm Gods on Fundament - the homeland of the Krill, who later became the Hive. Ahsa's species fell victim to The Witness' manipulations, succumbing to the Sword Logic and engaging in a cycle of mutual destruction. Ahsa had endeavored to prevent the Krill from discovering the existence of the Worm Gods, which is why Xivu Arath's assault on Titan against Ahsa carries both strategic significance and personal vengeance.

Xivu Arath's Memory Fragments Show Her Feelings About Oryx

Scattered throughout the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon are Memory Fragments. Collecting these fragments reveals audio recordings of Xivu Arath's thoughts. However, it is important to note that these fragments do not actually contain Xivu Arath's memories. In the final room of the Dungeon, the corpse of Oryx is discovered, and the Hive Wizard Simmumah ur-Nokru attempts to resurrect the Taken King. The lore surrounding the Dungeon suggests that Xivu Arath frequently visited Oryx's remains.

Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

Despite the war and violence between the Hive siblings, Xivu Arath's love for her brother, Oryx, is evident in the Memory Fragments. She holds nothing but admiration and praise for the Taken King, referring to him as the Navigator. Xivu Arath is angered by his death and also by the Guardians for not following the Sword Logic and taking Oryx's place as his killer.

What makes her affection even more intriguing is the sorrowful wailing she emits upon her brother's demise. This genuine display of love is further emphasized by her indifference towards the Lucent Hive's attempts to resurrect him, which goes against the principles of the Sword Logic. According to the Sword Logic, those who are weak and can be destroyed deserve their fate. To revive someone and allow them another chance is considered sacrilegious.

What Ikora’s Hidden Discovered About Oryx’s Corpse

Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

The Hidden ventured into the Dungeon following the disruption of the Lucent Hive ritual by Guardians, seeking to uncover the secrets within the Taken King's structure. They discovered pockets of Taken energy, still infused with Darkness, capable of inducing hallucinations and absorbing knowledge and memories, as evidenced by Xivu Arath's Memory Fragments. However, despite these abilities, the Hidden observed that the body showed no physical reaction or movement, at least for now.

Despite the absence of physical life or presence, the corpse exhibited signs of change and growth, suggesting that it was undergoing a transformation without the presence of a mind or being. The absence of Oryx's Worm, which was not found among the remains, could potentially explain the failure of the resurrection ritual. If Oryx's Worm in Destiny 2 is indeed alive and active, it would mean that there was nothing to resurrect. The missing Worm could signify future complications involving Oryx.

Savathun’s Alter of Reflection and Memories Hint at Oryx’s Return

Unveiling Destiny 2's Abyssal Realm: Unraveling the Saga of Xivu Arath and Oryx

During the Witch Queen campaign, it was revealed that Savathun had come to terms with the fact that she would not become the Taken Queen. She shared a riddle that Oryx had overlooked when he created the Tablets of Ruin and acquired the ability to Take. It seemed that his chisel had been influenced by a viral force from the Darkness. Savathun claimed to have delved into the intricate path and deciphered the hidden meaning. According to her, the answer to the riddle surpassed the power to Take - it was the ability of the Witness to shape worlds. It is possible that, in his defeat, Oryx acquired this power and relocated to another realm akin to the Ascendant Plane.

During one of the Altars of Reflection, Savathun confidently declares, "The Taken King will rise again," as part of her game of two truths and two lies. With the revelation from Ikora's Hidden that Oryx's physical form still exists in some capacity, and his Worm missing, it raises the possibility that Oryx may not be truly deceased - at least not in the conventional sense. This suggests that his return is plausible. However, the question of where his loyalties will lie in relation to The Witness remains an enigma.

Destiny 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.