The Violet Evergarden anime, based on the Japanese light novel series by Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase, continues to captivate audiences with its beautiful storytelling, stunning visuals, and heartfelt emotion. Kyoto Animation Studio has skillfully brought the written text of the light novel to life through this visual masterpiece.
While Kyoto Animation Studio faced a devastating tragedy due to arson, their legacy endures with titles like Violet Evergarden. With its widespread appeal, numerous new fans have expressed their longing to watch the anime. In light of this, this article explores the streaming particulars of the beloved Violet Evergarden anime.
Violet Evergarden anime can be streamed on Netflix in most regions
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Violet Evergarden, considered one of the greatest anime series ever made, has undeniably captivated the hearts of viewers worldwide. With its captivating storyline and well-crafted characters, this anime effortlessly ensnares its audience. Now, the question arises: where can one stream this remarkable series?
Anime fans will be excited to learn that Netflix has acquired the exclusive digital distribution rights for the beloved series, Violet Evergarden. This means that viewers from various regions, including the USA, India, Canada, Philippines, New Zealand, Brazil, Germany, and others, can now easily access and enjoy all the episodes of Violet Evergarden on Netflix.
Violet Evergarden in all her anime glory (Image via Netflix)
What to expect from Violet Evergarden anime
Limited Availability but Some Options Are Available{{p_placeholder_0}}Regrettably, the series cannot be streamed on popular platforms like Crunchyroll or Hulu. Nevertheless, it can be purchased on Apple TV in specific regions. Additionally, devoted fans can also acquire the Blu-ray DVD edition of the exceptional Violet Evergarden anime. Simply put, there are numerous alternatives for those eager to indulge in this captivating animated series.
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Violet Evergarden anime is a remarkable adaptation of Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase's mesmerizing light novel. This extraordinary piece of fiction captivates the audience with its compelling depiction of the aftermath of war. Additionally, the narrative skillfully combines elements of fantasy and drama, creating a visually striking and enthralling story centered around its captivating characters.
In a post-war setting, the narrative revolves around Violet Evergarden, a young girl groomed solely for annihilating the enemy forces. After being hospitalized and wounded during the war's climax, Violet was left with only the cherished words of someone dear to her, their significance unknown to her.
Violet Evergarden (Image via Netflix)
Having healed from her past traumas, Violet is determined to find a new direction in life and unravel the significance of certain words. In pursuit of this, she embarks on a fresh journey by joining the CH Postal Service, where she encounters the remarkable abilities of an Auto Memory Doll. This extraordinary doll possesses the power to translate individuals' innermost thoughts and emotions into written words. Inspired by this concept, Violet Evergarden herself becomes an Auto Memory Doll, embarking on a captivating odyssey that not only transforms the lives of others but also leads her to personal growth and revelation.
Additional information about the anime
Violet Evergarden anime (Image via Netflix)
Violet Evergarden, a 13-episode anime series based on the light novel series by Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase, aired in Japan from January 11, 2018, to April 5, 2018. The series also includes an OVA episode released on July 4 of the same year, coinciding with the final Blu-ray and DVD volume.
This animation project was produced by Kyoto Animation Studio, directed by Taichi Ishidate, with screenplay by Reiko Yoshida. Akiko Takase was responsible for character design, and Yota Tsuruoka composed the music. The opening theme, "Sincerely," was performed by True, and the captivating ending theme, "Michishirube," was sung by Minori Chihara.
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