Unveiling Secrets: Master the Gumshoe Title in Destiny 2

Unveiling Secrets: Master the Gumshoe Title in Destiny 2

Unlock the prestigious Gumshoe title in Destiny 2 by conquering every challenge within Savathun's Throne World Complete thrilling quests and face formidable foes to earn this coveted achievement

From Forsaken onwards, titles in Destiny 2 have consistently been themed around the destinations or activities they originate from. Titles such as Chronicler, obtained by completing lore books, and Rivensbane, earned by completing everything in Last Wish, exemplify this tradition.

This pattern persists with the inclusion of unique titles that players can obtain by accomplishing a series of Triumphs linked to a specific destination. Given that Witch Queen revolves around solving a mystery, the title associated with the Throne World destination is called Gumshoe. For players who may not be familiar with this term, Gumshoe is a colloquialism for a detective.

How to Get Gumshoe

Unveiling Secrets: Master the Gumshoe Title in Destiny 2

Unlike titles in raids, players will have to finish a significantly shorter series of Triumphs in order to obtain Gumshoe. Nonetheless, destination titles are still considerably more challenging to obtain than holiday event titles such as Ghost Writer. A total of nine Triumphs must be completed by players.

Collect all items listed under the Throne World Badge.

Master of Truth: Complete a Campaign mission on Master difficulty (not Legendary campaign).

Buddy Up: Claim all rewards available through ranking up with Fynch.

Hardware of the Throne: Craft all weapons obtained exclusively in the Throne World.

Report: REVERSE-LURE: Complete all quests obtained through the Evidence Board on Mars.

Of Queens and Worms: Complete "Of Queens and Worms" and claim Parasite.

Lepidopterist: Collect and display all the hidden Lucent Moths.

No Peeking: Destroy all Darkness Rifts in the Throne World (requires Parasite).

World Champions: Defeat Champions in Throne World Lost Sectors.

Unlocking the title Gumshoe may not be the most challenging task, but it will certainly require a significant investment of time and effort. To obtain the Throne World Badge, players must successfully complete the Witch Queen Legendary Campaign and defeat all unique bosses in the Master difficulty version of The Wellspring. Unfortunately, there is no matchmaking available for The Wellspring beyond the normal difficulty, so players will need to form a group of six individuals. Due to the rotating encounters and rewards, this step may take some time to accomplish.

Even with the assistance of LFG Discord, completing this step while also tackling a campaign mission on Master difficulty can be challenging. It is highly recommended that Destiny 2 players prioritize acquiring the weapon Parasite, if they have not already done so. This weapon is crucial for damaging and destroying the Darkness Rifts scattered throughout the Throne World, which are necessary for the completion of the No Peeking Triumph. To achieve this, players must first inflict damage upon themselves with Parasite in order to gain a beneficial effect that enables other weapons to destroy the rifts.

The completion of World Champions will take some time, as players are dependent on the daily Legend/Master difficulty Lost Sector in one of the three Lost Sectors in the Throne World. Ever since Lightfall, Lost Sectors have become much more challenging, so players should ensure their Power level is as close to the recommended level as possible to avoid being overwhelmed.

Destiny 2 is currently accessible on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.